All the material on this website is copyrighted to J-P Metsavainio, if not otherwise stated. Any content on this website may not be reproduced without the author’s permission.

Have a visit in my portfolio

Monday, December 31, 2007

Autum 2007 H-alpha images

LX200 GPS 12" f6.3 + SXV-AO (Active Optics system)
H-a 4h Elephants trunk nebula in IC 1396 LX200 GPS 12" f6.3 + SXV-AO (Active Optics system) The core of IC 1805 4h of H-a LX200 GPS 12" f6.3 + SXV-AO (Active Optics system) Bubble nebula 4h of H-a ED80, guided with LX200 and QHY5 camera+PHD-guiding 2h of H-a

SXV-AO, Active Optics sytem first light

Comparison image of AO and no AO system.
On the left side Bubble nebula 4h HaRGB image, guided with SXV-AO.
On the right side, older, 2h UHC RGB image from spring 2007.
Right side image is guided with traditional sytem, ED80+QHY5 camera and PHD-guiding.
LX200 GPS 12", QHY8 cooled 6mb color cam.
4h H-a + 2h RGB with UHC-filter
Image of the AO-unit, from the telescope side Assembly
STEREO 3D tests, just fof fun!
STEREO image test for "parallel viewing"
STEREO image test for "cross vision"

Images from Autum 2007 part II

California nebula ED80 + QHY8, guiding LX200+QHY5 UHC-filter 4h+flats+bias Heart nebula, IC1805 ED80 + QHY8, guiding LX200+QHY5 UHC-filter 4h+flats+bias IC 1396
ED80 + QHY8, guiding LX200+QHY5 UHC-filter 5h+flats+bias

Images from autum 2007

Veil nebula, Eastern part. ED80 + QHY8, guiding LX200+QHY5 UHC-filter 2h+flats+bias
Veil nebula, Western part.
ED80 + QHY8, guiding LX200+QHY5
UHC-filter 4h+flats+bias

DS images from 2004-07

Older DS images from 2005-7
M31 is beautiful and very problematic target. Large angular size, low surfage brightness and large dynamic range combined to heavily light polluted location, is not a good combination. Anyhow, here is the result this time. I really need a darker location. SW80ED and QHY8 guiding LX200+QHY5+PHD-guiding 4h total exposure time.
M33 is adifficult target from light polluted evnironment.I use four hours of exposures for this. Noise porblem and very low S/N are coused by LP. SW80ED QHY8, guided with LX200+QHY5+PHD-guiding
I had some extra time, so i went trough my archives. Here it is famous 17P/Holmes. At the time it was easy to spot with naked eye. Two hours of exposures with QHY8 and SW80ED.
M56 & M66
NGC 4565
NGC 5907 (Pizza?)
M82 M106 Sun Flower Galaxy


My very first DS image ever.
I was very proud, that I was able to see spiral arms
in my picture! Image is taken in Alt/Az mode acd there was
only 12x30s subs, no guiding.

NGC3718, thanks for solving it Philipp

Moon Images from 2004-2006

I have had few images in famous LPOD

I have had an article about Moon 3D transformation in Sky & Telescope. (J-P Metsavainio, A New Way of Looking at the Moon. Sky & Telescope, Jan 2005, p 142-146.)
Here is a few sample images from the past.

Moon at day time

Eclipse serie from 2007
Below last three images at 50% scale.
Full Moonhalf a Moon with Earth shineEarth Shine in three day old Moon
Moon from different vantage points forms a Rose.
This image is made with my tehnique precented in Sky & Telescope Jan 2005

One more sample about 3D transformation of the Moon.
The limb of the Moon is seen from abowe in upper part of the image

Planetary images from 2004-2006

Collection of "old" images.LX200 GPS 12" and SW 80ED.
Cameras: Canon 300D, QHY8, various Webcams
saturn & Moons (labeled)
Mars 2006
Saturn 03.03.2005

Jupiter Our Sun with few tiny Sun spots


An other Saturn image


List of my astro related equipments,


  • Meade Lx200 GPS 12"
  • Sky Watcher 80ED

Camera lenses for astrowork,

  • Canon FD 200mm f2.8

  • Tokina AT-X 300mm f2.8

  • Canon 200mm f1.8 (World fastest telelens)




  • Celestron f6.3 focal reducer/flattener

  • lots of small stuf.....


  • 7nm 2" H-alpha from Baader
  • 8,5nm 2" O-III from Baader
  • 8nm 2" S-II from Baader

  • UHC-s from Baader
  • IDAS-LP filter
  • various planetary filters




The imaging system

Sunday, December 30, 2007


Images about my imaging platform, LX200 GPS 12" in a roof deck
Observatory??? Well, kind of.