All the material on this website is copyrighted to J-P Metsavainio, if not otherwise stated. Any content on this website may not be reproduced without the author’s permission.

Have a visit in my portfolio

Saturday, September 26, 2009

NGC 6888 in National Geographic's "Daily Dozen"

My image of the "crescent Nebula", NGC6888, was selected in a "Daily Dozen" of National Geographic Magazine's webpage.
This was the selected image. Original post with details can be found HERE.

The Pelican Nebula as a Stereo Pair

Parallel Vision Cross Vision - -
NOTE! This is a personal vision about forms and shapes, based on some known facts and artistic impression. Wieving instructions can be found from a Right hand side menu. - Original 2D-image and details, HERE

Friday, September 25, 2009

Pelican Project, Grande finale

Nebula in HST-palette, S-II = Red, H-alpha = Green and O-III = Blue
A Grop from the bigger image

Nebula in natural colors, mixed from narrowband channels.
H-alpha + 20%S-II = Red, O-III = Green and O-III + 15% H-alpha = Blue
Nebula in H-alpha light (Ionized Hydrogen)
Now I have S-II (Ionized Sulfur) and O-III (Ionized Oxygen) channels, so making fullcolor image is possible
Camera QHY9, Optics Meade LX200 GPS 12" forced to @ f4.65 Guiding with SXV-AO active optics unit 11Hz Filters Baader H-alpha 7nm, 6h, 20 min subs Baader O-III 8,5nm 1h, 10 min. subs binned 3x3 S-II 1h 40, 10 min subs binned 3x3 - Note. a special technique of mine is used to balance weaker channels with Hydrogen alpha. Information about that tech. can be found HERE

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Pelican project continues

Last night I was able to capture more lights for the target.
Now there is 18 x 1200s H-alpha filteret light, Six hours.
I place here a small preview gropped from the image.
Next I'll shoot O-III and S-II channels for the color image,
Weather doesn't look too good now though.
Camera QHY9,
Optics Meade LX200 GPS 12" forced to @ f4.65
Guiding with SXV-AO active optics unit 11Hz
Filter Baader H-alpha 7nm Exposures 18x1200 s.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Pelican Nebula, start of the project

So far, not a very lucky start.
I have spend four nights with this target and the result is only five 20min. frames.
The see is open and it keeps sending clouds of mist night after a night.
Image is kind of noisy, doe too few light frames, but I'll post it here to wait more to come.
Camera QHY9, Optics Meade LX200 GPS 12" forced to @ f4.65 Guiding with SXV-AO active optics unit 11Hz Filter Baader H-alpha 7nm
Exposures 5x1200 s.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

NGC 6888, deconvolution test

A fellow astro imager, Neil Fleming, in Yahoo group "astro_narrowband"
give me an idea about using more deconvolution algorithm to this image.
Thanks a lot Neil!
After testing several softwares, I found CCDSharp giving me best resul in this case.
( CCDSharp is a freeware from Sbig )
33 iterations of Lucy-Richardson deconvolution.
The Stars came out just fine, so no separate processing for them.
Final result was way more better than I was expecting!
You can compare those images to a previous ones, HERE in a HST-plalette and HERE in a Natural colors.
Imaging details can be found behind the links too.
Hydroge alpha channel alone

Saturday, September 19, 2009

NGC 6888 as a Stereo Pair

A Parallel Vision version A Cross Vision version -
NOTE! This is a personal vision about forms and shapes, based on some known facts and artistic impression. Wieving instructions can be found from a Right hand side menu.
Original 2D-image and details, HERE

Friday, September 18, 2009

NGC 6888 in HST-palette

Last night I got S-II (ionized Sulfur) for the NGC 6888, the Crescent Nebula.
Now it was possible to compose a HST version (Hubble Space Telescope palette).
Camera QHY9,
Optics Meade LX200 GPS 12" forced to @ f4.65
Guiding with SXV-AO active optics unit 11Hz
Baader H-alpha 7nm, 4.5h 20min subs
Baader O-III 8,5nm 2h 40min 20min subs binned 2x2
S-II 1h 5 min subs binned 3x3
Note. a special technique of mine is used to balance weaker channels with Hydrogen alpha.
Information about that tech. can be found HERE

Thursday, September 17, 2009

NGC 6888 in H-alpha and O-III light.

This was hard to process...
I have problems to have images calibrated with Flats, Bias and Darks, so much extra work there to have images balanced.
O-III, ionized Oxygen, really add forms to this image.
I will shoot S-II, even though there is much that in the Crescent itself.
I'll like to make this image to HST-palette as well.
- Camera QHY9, Optics Meade LX200 GPS 12" forced to @ f4.65 Guiding with SXV-AO active optics unit 11Hz Filter Baader H-alpha 7nm
H-alpha 4.5h 20min subs
O-III 2h 40min 20 min subs

A new project, NGC 6888

I have started a new project with the NGC 6888.
So far there is 4,5h of H-alpha.
Image going to be a three band narrowband image, I have allready 4,5h O-III light for this.
Camera QHY9,
Optics Meade LX200 GPS 12" forced to @ f4.65
Guiding with SXV-AO active optics unit 11Hz
Filter Baader H-alpha 7nm

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

M27 as a Stereo Pair

Parallel Vision version Cross Vision version - NOTE! This is a personal vision about forms and shapes, based on some known facts and artistic impression. Wieving instructions can be found from a Right hand side menu.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

M27 in two palettes

Natural colors
In a Hubble palette, S-II=Red, H-a=Green and O-III=Blue -

I was able to shoot data for other channels and more lights for H-alpha, last night.
Same data than H-alpha version in last post.
Additional two hours for H-a, now 4,5h together,
6x600s, binned 2x2, for O-III and 2x600s, binned 3x3, for S-II.
More information about the target HERE.

O-III channel is very strong. Note. there is interesting looking shadow at three a clock position.
Hint of an other shadow can be seen in a nine a clock position too.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Firs light for the new season

M27, Planetary nebula, was my first target for this new season.
After a long mandatory pause, I feel like a novice.
My location is not good for this object, since it stays under 40 degrees from horizont.
At last season I shot lots of shor focal lenght images.
this time I like to shoot some smaller targets with longer FL.
I have a wonderfull device from Strarlight Express, SXV-AO, active optics unit.
It makes my LX200 GPS 12" Meade work like a 20.000€ mount!
Guiding error was between 0.1 -0.2 pixels all the time at Focal lenght 1500mm and frequency 13Hz.
Unfortunatetly I was able to soot only 2,5 h of lights doe the clouds.
I'll shoot more H-alpha and other channels later.

Outer shell can be seen even now.

A close up



-Camera, QHY9

- Optics, Meade LX200 GPS 12" @ f4.65

- Guiding, Lodestar and SXV-AO @ 13Hz

- Exposures, 4x1200s with 7nm H-alpha filter and 7x600 Binned 2x2 . - image scale is 0.8 arcsecond/pixel

Active otics and Meade LX200 GPS 12"

I have made some experiments wirh SXV-AO and QHY9.
Since QHY9 has a very small pixels, 5,4microns, there will be serious over sampling with LX200.
I do have a f6.3 reducer/flattener but even eith f6.3 image scale is oversampled.
I tested to increase the distance between QHY9 and a reducer, it seems that I'm able to
go up to f4.65 focal lenght by this method!
There is some wignetting, but not very serious. Some distortion with stars can be seen in outer corners, but I'm able to live with that.
I didn't think it's possible to turn f10 telescope toreltively fast f4.65 scope.
QHY9 has a lightly smaller chip than APS-size in QHY8, that heps a litle.

Images, taken with this imaging configuration, can be seen here:
Click "Older Posts" at the end of the page to see more.