Monday, July 19, 2021
Voices of Apollo 11
are now part of the Moon forever
This is also a tribute to the entire Apollo 11 team: Commander Neil A. Armstrong, Command Module Pilot Michael Collins, and Lunar Module Pilot Edwin E. Aldrin Jr.
I was most gratified and deeply moved when Michael Collins —the Apollo 11 & Gemini 10 astronaut, author, explorer and artist— tweeted following kind words about my work on April 19th, 2021:
The news of his passing, just nine days later, hit me all the harder — a very emotional moment for me. Out of the blue, I got inspired to create this artwork. I absolutely had to do it right away, which I did.
Michael Collins was affectionately referred to as “the loneliest man in history” for being the command module pilot who flew solo in space behind the Moon and without radio contact with anyone while his colleagues, Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong, set foot on the Moon for the first time in history. Michael was also an artist. His iconic photos made from Moon orbit are true art and part of mankind's greatest cultural heritage treasure.
A similar solitude gripped me while I was creating this tribute image. For being an astronomical photographer and a visual artist often is a very lonely job. Especially this time as I was deeply emotional throughout my creative process for this artwork. Even though I never met him personally, the end of his Earthly mission meant more to me than I was prepared for. I needed to make this photo-based artwork to process the inner storm of my thoughts and feelings.
Click for a larger image.
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Grayscale Wonders part II
All the photos, I have published, are taken with a grayscale astronomical camera. Each color channel is shot separately and then combined to RGB color image. Since I'm doing only narrowband imaging due the extensive light pollution color channels are are emission line images. Most of the time I'm capturing three emission lines hydrogen, sulfur and oxygen. (H-alpha, S-II and O-III)
Usually most of the details are in hydrogen alpha emission line. Gray scale images can be really beautiful and many times I personally like them best. I will publish now some of my images from this winter season as a grayscale compositions. This is a part II of Grayscale Wonders, part one can be seen here,
nebula in visual colors can be seen here,
Great Mosaic of Cepheus
Image details and a mapped color version can be found here,
Great Mosaic of Auriga
Image details and a mapped color version can be found here,
Saturday, February 20, 2016
Two high resolution, cinemascope format, panoramas from my astro photos
I have worked with a cinemascope format movie for a movie theatre presentation from my photos. This is an extra wide ~21:9 format used in theaters. The actual film is not ready yet but I have some of my images converted to this ultra wide format. I think they will look great at a large movie screen! I'll publish some of individual panoramic format photos here, images are downscaled for the web.
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Cinemascope format panoramas from my astro photos
Image details can be seen HERE
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Moon images from new point of view, set II
I'm a deep sky photographer and the Moon usually is just an other form of light pollution to me.
The Moon can be a source of inspiration too. (An sometimes good for romantic feelings, I have been told...)
As an astronomical photographer I started with Moon images, as so many do. The 3D-transformation technique of mine gives a possibility to see the Moon from an angle not seen from Earth. This brings a new life to an old Moon image back from 2004.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Moon images from a new point of view
Buy a photographic print from HERE
"Crescent" view to a half a Moon
Buy a photographic print from HERE

Images are done by re projecting the moon image to a sphere made by a 3D-software. After that you can select any new viewpoint to a Moon, as long as the point of interest stays on the visible side of the Moon. It's kind of having a private Moon orbiter.
I like this method, since the actual image data stays practically untouched, it just get seen from an other angle.
Surface view 2
Saturday, May 1, 2010
An anaglyph FullMoon
Monday, June 8, 2009
Moon Surface Movie from 2D-image
To see this video in HD, please klick This LINK and select the HD option from the player.
To see a smooth video in HD, please, press a pause button and let the movie load before play it.
More experiments with a 3D-transform.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Klick the image to see the article in LPOD.
Monday, June 1, 2009
How to, 3D-Moon movie.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
New Video material from astrotargets
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Fly me to the Moon!
I recently bought a private Lunar orbiter to shoot some videos from the Moon!!!
It's much like a KAGUYA (SELENE) orbiter but more advanced.
Not really, animations here are made by reprojecting 2D-Moon image to a 3D-ball.
Animation is then calculated in 3D-software (TrueSpace from Galigari)
In this animation we are flying over the terminator zone of the half Moon.
On the Left side the Earth shine effect can be seen as a Bluish hue.
The online Video quality is very low doe the compression algorithm,
please, download a high resolution video to see it in full glory.
A higher resolution Video can be downloaded from HERE.
An other video from the same 2D-material.
In this Video we are flying closer to a surface of the termintor zone.
A higher resolution Video can be downloaded from HERE.
The original 2D-image can be seen HERE.
Full Moon as an animation
In this animation we are flying 360 degrees around the termination zone of the Full Moon.
A higher resolution Video can be downloaded from HERE.
Original 2D-image of the Full Moon can be seen HERE.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Moon, an inspiration and passion.

A grobbed part of the poster, to see the text.
Monday, December 31, 2007
Moon Images from 2004-2006

One more sample about 3D transformation of the Moon.