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Monday, December 31, 2007

Moon Images from 2004-2006

I have had few images in famous LPOD

I have had an article about Moon 3D transformation in Sky & Telescope. (J-P Metsavainio, A New Way of Looking at the Moon. Sky & Telescope, Jan 2005, p 142-146.)
Here is a few sample images from the past.

Moon at day time

Eclipse serie from 2007
Below last three images at 50% scale.
Full Moonhalf a Moon with Earth shineEarth Shine in three day old Moon
Moon from different vantage points forms a Rose.
This image is made with my tehnique precented in Sky & Telescope Jan 2005

One more sample about 3D transformation of the Moon.
The limb of the Moon is seen from abowe in upper part of the image

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