All the material on this website is copyrighted to J-P Metsavainio, if not otherwise stated. Any content on this website may not be reproduced without the author’s permission.
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Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Comparison of Flame Nebula, with and without stars
This is an example of star removal technique.
Two images of the same target is presented here with and
without stars.
In starless image, the nebulosity is much more visible and some
forms can be seen only in this image.
This can be usefull technique to reweal very faint nebulosity hidden
in overwhelming starfields.
Click for large image.
research and development
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Sh2-240 Reprocessed
This was really hard to catch and process.
Somehow better now, I think.
The Sh2-240 (Simeis 147) is a very faint supernova remaint in Taurus.
The image is in false color to show hydrogen alpha emission.Original BW H-alpha image at the bottom
Canon FD 200mm f2.8 lens with full aperature
- Camera:
- Platform and guiding:
LX200 GPS 12" with QHY5 guider and PHD-guiding
- Exposures:
10 x 3600s + 4 x 2700s + 3 x 900s H-alpha + Flats and Bias frames, no darks
exposure time so far 13h 45min.
- Filter:
Baader 7nm H-alp + IDAS LP for RGB
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Veil Nebula, Western part (reprocessed)
Veil Nebula is a supernova remnant with large angular diameter.
Located about 1400 light years away in the constellation Cygnus.
This is a reprocessed version from Autumn 2007.
ED80 + QHY8, guiding LX200+QHY5, UHC-filter 4h+flats+bias.
Eastern part of the Nebula can be seen here:
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Who need Stars?
This is a just a test. Large gas clouds are located usually in dense star fields and bright
stars are dominating the image, even in narrowband images.
Sometimes it's difficult to see actual target from stars.
In this test I removed stars from images by using several PS filters, like Minimum, Dust & Scratches and some other star reducing methods.
I think, in this way the actual targets and they forms are more visible.
Klick thumbnail for the large image.
"Elephants Trunk"
The core of the "Heart Nebula"
"Andromeda Galaxy"
"North America Nebula"
"Flaming Star Nebula"
Part of the IC1848 "Soul Nebula"
"California Nebula"
"Rose Nebula"
"Hart and Soul"
Wwil Nebula Western part
Weil Nebula Eastern part
research and development
Friday, July 4, 2008
More repocessed material
from galaxy core.
Details in original post.
IC1848 (Part of the Soul nebula) in H-alpha light + RGB data trough UHC-s filter.
Details in original post.
M106, details in original post.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
California Nebula Reprocessed
This version is combined from two images of the same target.Images are taken with different optical configurations. First was taken with SW 80ED refractor and second with Canon EF 200mm f2.8 camera lens.
CCDstack software was used to combine those two images and here is the result.
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