All the material on this website is copyrighted to J-P Metsavainio, if not otherwise stated. Any content on this website may not be reproduced without the author’s permission.
Monday, February 29, 2016
IC 410 as a cinemascope format photo
I have worked with a cinemascope format movie from my photos for a movie theater presentation. This is an extra wide ~21:9 format used in theaters. The actual film is not ready yet but I have some of my images converted to this ultra wide format. I think they will look great at a large movie screen! I'll publish some of individual panoramic format photos here, images are downscaled for the web.
IC 410, a "Cosmic Fertilization"
Be sure to click for a full resolution image, ~2600 x 1200 pixels
Image details can be seen HERE
A wide field photo of the constellation Auriga
Be sure to click for a full resolution image, ~2600 x 1200 pixels
The area of IC 410 photo, at top of the page, is marked with a white regtangle.
Image details can be seen HERE
Previously published sets of cinemascope format astro images
Narrowband color images,
Friday, February 26, 2016
Bubble Nebula as a cinemascope format photo
I have worked with a cinemascope format movie from my photos for a movie theater presentation. This is an extra wide ~21:9 format used in theaters. The actual film is not ready yet but I have some of my images converted to this ultra wide format. I think they will look great at a large movie screen! I'll publish some of individual panoramic format photos here, images are downscaled for the web.
Bubble Nebula in Cassiopeia
Be sure to click for a full resolution image, ~2600 x 1200 pixels
Image details can be seen HERE
A wide filed photo
Click for a full size photo
The area of the panoramic photo can be seen as a white rectangle. Note the size of the full Moon is marked as a white circle at lower right corner for a scale. The Moon has an angular dimension of 30 arc minutes, that's about 0,5 degrees of sky. Image details can be seen HERE
Previously published sets of cinemascope format astro images

Narrowband color images,
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Cirrus of Cygnus as a cinemascope format photo
I have worked with a cinemascope format movie from my photos for a movie theater presentation. This is an extra wide ~21:9 format used in theaters. The actual film is not ready yet but I have some of my images converted to this ultra wide format. I think they will look great at a large movie screen! I'll publish some of individual panoramic format photos here, images are downscaled for the web.
Cirrus of Cygnus
Be sure to click for a full resolution image, ~2600 x 1200 pixels
Orientation in Cygnus
Please, be sure to click for a full resolution image, ~2300 x 1500 pixels, ~4MB
Note, a size of the full Moon is marked as scale in the lower right corner.
The Moon has an apparent diameter ~30 arc minutes, that's about 0,5 degrees of sky.
Previously published sets of cinemascope format astro images
Narrowband color images,
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
Filaments of Cygnus in cinemascope format
I have worked with a cinemascope format movie for a movie theatre presentation from my photos. This is an extra wide ~21:9 format used in theaters. The actual film is not ready yet but I have some of my images converted to this ultra wide format. I think they will look great at a large movie screen! I'll publish some of individual panoramic format photos here, images are downscaled for the web.
Filaments of Cygnus x 3
Please, be sure to click for a full resolution images, ~2600 x 1200 pixels
Image details can be seen HERE
Image details can be seen HERE
Image details can be seen HERE
Orientation in Cygnus
Please, be sure to click for a full resolution images, ~2600 x 1700 pixels, 6.7MB
Three panoramic images above are marked in this wide field image of constellation Cygnus as a white rectangles. Image details can be seen HERE
Previously published sets of cinemascope format astro images
Narrowband color images,
Monday, February 22, 2016
A dramatic panorama of IC 1805, the Heart Nebula
I have worked with a cinemascope format movie for a movie theatre presentation from my photos. This is an extra wide ~21:9 format used in theaters. The actual film is not ready yet but I have some of my images converted to this ultra wide format. I think they will look great at a large movie screen! I'll publish some of individual panoramic format photos here, images are downscaled for the web.
A dramatic view to IC 1805
Please, be sure to click for a full resolution images, ~2600 x 1200 pixels
Image details can be seen HERE
Published sets of cinemascope format astro images
Narrowband color images,
Saturday, February 20, 2016
Two high resolution, cinemascope format, panoramas from my astro photos
I have worked with a cinemascope format movie for a movie theatre presentation from my photos. This is an extra wide ~21:9 format used in theaters. The actual film is not ready yet but I have some of my images converted to this ultra wide format. I think they will look great at a large movie screen! I'll publish some of individual panoramic format photos here, images are downscaled for the web.
Half a Moon with a 3D twist
Please, be sure to click for a full resolution images, ~2600 x 1200 pixels

Image details can be seen HERE
Lagoon Nebula
Please, be sure to click for a full resolution images, ~2600 x 1200 pixels

Image details can be seen HERE
Published sets of cinemascope format astro images
moon images,
Narrowband color images,
Friday, February 19, 2016
More high resolution, cinemascope format, panoramas from my astro photos
I have worked with a cinemascope format movie for a movie theatre presentation from my photos. This is an extra wide ~21:9 format used in theaters. The actual film is not ready yet but I have some of my images converted to this ultra wide format. I think they will look great at a large movie screen! I'll publish some of individual panoramic format photos here, images are downscaled for the web.
A large ten panels mosaic of Cepheus
Please, be sure to click for a full resolution images, ~2600 x 1200 pixels
Image details can be seen HERE
Image details can be seen HERE
A large eighteen panels mosaic of Cygnus
Please, be sure to click for a full resolution images, ~2600 x 1200 pixels
Image details can be seen HERE
Narrowband color images,
Thursday, February 18, 2016
High resolution, cinemascope format, panoramas from my astro photos
I have worked with a cinemascope format movie for a movie theatre presentation from my photos. This is an extra wide ~21:9 format used in theaters. The actual film is not ready yet but I have some of my images converted to this ultra wide format. I think they will look great at a large movie screen! I'll publish some of individual panoramic format photos here, images are downscaled for the web.
Veil Nebula supernova remnant details
Please, be sure to click for a full resolution images, ~2600 x 1200 pixels
Eastern Veil, a closeup
Image details can be seen HERE
Western Veil, Pickering's Triangle, a closeup
Image details can be seen HERE
The Veil Nebula supernova remnant
Click for a large photo
The whole Veil, areas in panoramic images are marked with a white rectangles.
Narrowband color images,
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Cinemascope format panoramas from my astro photos
I have worked with a cinemascope format movie for a movie theatre presentations from my photos. This is an extra wide ~21:9 format used in theaters. The actual film is not ready yet but I have some of my images converted to this ultra wide format. I think they will look great at a large movie screen! I'll publish some of panoramic format photos here, images are downscaled for the web.
Flying Dragon nebula, Sh2-114
Please, be sure to click for a full resolution, ~2600 x 1200 pixels
Half a Moon
Please, be sure to click for a full resolution, ~2600 x 1200 pixels
Image details can be seen HERE
moon images,
Narrowband color images
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
Cinemascope format panoramas from my astro photos
I'm publishing some experimental material since the weather up here has been cloudy for months.
I have working with a cinemascope format movie for a movie theatre from my photos. This is an extra wide ~21:9 format used in movie theaters. The actual film is not ready yet but I have some of my images converted to this ultra wide format. I think they will look great at a large movie screen! I'll publish some of panoramic format photos here, images are downscaled for the web.
NGC 281
Please, be sure to click for a full resolution, ~2600 x 1200 pixels
Ngc 281, the Pac-Man Nebula. Image details can be seen HERE
Nebulae of the constellation Auriga
Please, be sure to click for a full resolution, ~2600 x 1200 pixels
A large 12-panel mosaic of the constellation Auriga. Image details can be seen HERE
Narrowband color images,
Friday, February 12, 2016
NGC 1499, the California Nebula, project continues
It has been very cloudy up here for about several months now. At January 4. I was able to shoot some lights for the NGC 1499, the California Nebula. We had few hours of clear sky at February 1. I shot three hours of H-alpha light next to previous image to build a two frame mosaic. Colors are partly from an older wide field photo of the california Nebula.
Detail of the NGC 1499 as a two frame mosaic
Please, click for a large image
An older wide field photo of the NGC 1499
Please, click for a large image
A wide field image of the NGC 1499 from January 2012 was shot with a Tokina AT-X 200mm f2.8 lens, QHY9 astrocamera and Baader narrowband filter set. The white circle at lower right corner shows an apparent size of the full Moon at the same scale. (Moon has an apparent diameter of 0.5 degrees = 30 arc minutes.) This is a large target with a lowish surface brightness, total exposure time is around 30h.
The California Nebula is an emission area located in constellation Perseus. It appears to resemble outlines of State of California on long exposure photographs, like this one. It has a very low surface brightness and it's very difficult to observe visually. Distance from my hometown Oulu, Finland, is about 1000 light years.
this image spans around five degrees horizontally. The Wikipedia article states, that the angular size is about 2,5 degrees (Five full Moons side by side) but as can be seen in this image, the actual size, with a dim outer parts, is much large.
Detail of the NGC 1499Please, click for a large image
The left side of the two frame mosaic at top of the page was shot at At January 4. 2016.
Technical details
Processing work flow
Image acquisition, MaxiDL v5.07.
Stacked and calibrated in CCDStack2.
Deconvolution with a CCDStack2 Positive Constraint, 21 iterations, added at 25% weight
Color combine in PS CS3
Levels and curves in PS CS3.
Imaging optics
Celestron Edge HD 1100 @ f7 with 0,7 focal reducer for Edge HD 1100 telescope
10-micron 1000
Cameras and filters
Imaging camera Apogee Alta U16 and Apogee seven slot filter wheel
Guider camera, Lodestar x2 and SXV-AOL
Astrodon filter, 5nm H-alpha
Astrodon filter, 3nm O-III
Astrodon filter, 3nm S-II
Exposure times
H-alpha, 24 x 1200s =8h
O-III, 3 x 1200s binned = 1h
S-II, 3 x 1200s binned = 1h
Total 10h
Part of the S-II and O-III signals are borrowed from the older wide field photo.
Narrowband color images,
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