All the material on this website is copyrighted to J-P Metsavainio, if not otherwise stated. Any content on this website may not be reproduced without the author’s permission.

Have a visit in my portfolio

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Milky Way, 12 years, 1250 hours of exposures and 125 x 22 degrees of sky

You can buy prints by using the contact form at right

It took nearly twelve years to collect enough data for this high resolution gigapixel class mosaic image of the Milky Way.  Total exposure time used is around 1250 hours between 2009 and 2021.

" I can hear music in this composition, from the high sounds of sparcs and bubbles at left  all the way to a deep and massive sounds at right."

The final photo is about 100 000 pixels wide, it has 234 individual mosaic panels stitched together and 1,7 gigapixels. (Click for a large image) All the frames used are marked in this image. Since many of sub-images and mosaics are independent artworks it leads to a very complex mosaic structure. 

From Taurus to Cygnus
Click for a large image, it's really worth it! (7000 x 1300 pixels)

Image in mapped colors from the light emitted by an ionized elements, hydrogen = green, sulfur = red and oxygen = blue. NOTE, the apparent size of the Moon in a lower left corner. NOTE 2, there are two 1:1 scale enlargements from the full size original at both ends of the image

NEW, A HD-video from Germany shows my photo in full glory
(Video in Germany but images are the international language)

Close ups form the parts of the Grande Mosaic
Taurus side of the mosaic,

A closeup from large panorama to show the overall resolution
Click for a large image

The California Nebula, NGC 1499, can be seen at bottom left of the large mosaic image.
There are about 20 million individual stars visible in the whole mosaic image.

Orientation and details
Click for a large image

Imaging info

Image spans 125 x 22 degrees of  the Milky About 20 million individual stars are visible in my photo!

It took almost twelve years to finalize this mosaic image. The reason for a long time period is naturally the size of the mosaic and the fact, that image is very deep. Another reason is that I have soht most of the mosaic frames as an individual compositions and publish them as independent artworks. That leads to a kind of complex image set witch is partly overlapping with a lots of unimaged areas between and around frames. I have shot the missing data now and then during the years and last year I was able to publish many sub mosaic images as I got them ready first.

My processing workflow is very constant so very little tweaking was needed between the mosaic frames. Total exposure time is over 1250 hours. Some of the frames has more exposure time, than others. There are some extremely dim objects clearly visible in this composition, like a extremely dim supernova remnant W63, the Cygnus Shell. It lays about six degrees up from North America nebula and it can be seen as a pale blue ring. I spent about 100 hours for this SNR alone. An other large and faint supernova remnant in Cygnus can be seen at near right edge of the image. G65.5+5.7 is as large as more famous Veil nebula. There are over 60 exposure hours for this SNR alone.  (Veil SNR is just outside of the mosaic area for compositional reasons but can be seen in "Detail" image above.) 

The Mosaic Work, technical info

I have used several optical configurations for this mosaic image during the years. Up to 2014 I was using an old Meade LX200 GPS 12" scope, QHY9 astrocam, Canon EF 200mm f1.8 camera optics and baader narrowband filter set. After 2014 I have had 10-micron 1000 equatorial mount, Apogee Alta U16 astro camera, Tokina AT-x 200mm f2.8 camera lens and the Astrodon 50mm square narrowband filter set. I have shot many details with a longer focal length, before 2014 by using Meade 12" scope with reducer and after 2014 Celestron EDGE 11" and reducer. Quider camera has been Lodestar and Lodestar II.

I took my current toolset as a base tool since it has a relatively high resolution combined to a very large field of view. Also it collects photons very quickly since it's undersampled and I can have very dim background nebulosity visible in very short time (many times 30 min frame is enough)

I do all my mosaic work under the PhotoShop, Matching the separate panels by using stars as an indicator is kind of straight forward work. My processing has become so constant, that very little tweaking is needed between separate frames, just some minor levels, curves and color balance. 

I have used lots of longer focal length sub-frames in my mosaic to boost details. (See the mosaic map at top of the page) To match them with shorter focal length shots I developed a new method.

Firstly I upscale the short focal length frames about 25% to have more room for high resolution images.Then I match the high res photo to a mosaic by using the stars as an indicator. After that I remove all the tiny stars from the high res image. Next I separate stars from low res photo and merge the starless high res data to a starless low res frame. And finally I place the removed low res stars back at top of everything with zero data lost. Usually there are some optical distortions and it's seen especially in a star field. Now all my stars are coming from a same optical setup and I don't have any problems with distortions. (I'm using the same star removal technique as in my Tone Mapping Workflow)

Closeups from large panorama to show the overall resolution
Click for a large image

Image in mapped colors from the light emitted by an ionized elements, hydrogen = green, sulfur = red and oxygen = blue. 

A 1:3 resolution close up from the photo above
Click for a large image,

A closeup from the main image shows the Sharpless 124 at up and the Cocoon nebula with a dark gas stream at bottom.

From Bubble to Cave Nebula
Image info,

The tulip nebula area
The Tulip Nebula, Sh2-101, can be seen at center right, there is also a black hole Cygnus X-1
The blog post with technical details can be seen here,

The supernova remnant G65.3+5.7

My Observatory,

Not an igloo, this is reality of astro photographing in Finland


Anonymous said...

Fantastic! Wonderful work and dedication!

would you plan to sell this? would it be possible for people to get (buy) a copy for personal use?

SeanC said...

Very impressive!

Anonymous said...

This is incredible. I'd love to have this on a canvas, can we arrange?

Mark said...

Will there be a chance that you'll sell prints of this? I would LOVE to hang this on my wall over my couch

Mark said...

Is there any chance that you'll be selling prints of this? I have the perfect place over my couch for a huge print off this

Unknown said...

This is magnificent and by far one of the most beautiful astrophoto I have seen. Congratulations on all your hard work, dedication and persistence in getting to this masterpiece. Thank you for creating this masterpiece. Certainly worthy of APOD infact I would say APOM considering the amount of work that has gone into this. Hats off to you.

mysticzz said...

Incredible work. Very beautiful photos

Geoff_Livingston said...

Will prints be made available? I am interested.

William Chase said...

Amazing Work! Are you planning to sell high resolutions of the final? I would love to have it blown up and framed.

ahahahahahah said...

Well done, very proud of your accomplishments. 🌹

Hokanpilj said...

How can I get a large print of this?

Hokanpilj said...

How to I get a print of this?

Eric Riddle said...

Please make some prints available. The bigger, the better.

Anonymous said...


Red said...

It's beautiful!
If you ever decided to make prints of this I would love to purchase one

Unknown said...

Is there a way to get a high resolution print of your work for a large wall pic?

Gerd Torok said...

Simply astonishing,

do you sell high/full quality versions?

Anonymous said...

You should list it as NFT on :) Don't settle for anything less than a solid amount of ethereum for it please!

zproxy said...

is there a link to the full resolution file?

Bojan said...

You sir are a crazy genius and should be thanked :) This is amazing and thank you for sharing this with the world. The Finnish druids at the marvel once more

imbalind said...

Hey, any plan on making a puzzle out of the final image? It would be both stunning to see and challenging to do!

Anonymous said...

Is the full resolution composite available online?

Ferren said...

This is a very cool undertaking. The images are stunning! Will you be making prints or posters available to purchase? My children and myself would love this.

Unknown said...

Discover your work from reddit post. Congratulation on this unimaginable work!!! 12yrs, that is really some dedication!!

Veneratu said...

This is amazing work! Tipping my hat from New York USA!

Rob C said...

uhm. can i like order prints of your work to hang on my walls?

lauralou said...

Wow!! This is amazing! I want a copy to hang in my home!

lauralou said...

Wow!! This is amazing! I want a copy to hang in my home!

lauralou said...

Wow! I would love this in my home!!!

Arbeit macht frei said...

Fabulous work!

NASA and ESA could not do this!

I posted it to a few FB pages dealing with electricity in the universe. Great responses, but I am disappointed none actually visited your page.

Unknown said...

Extra ordinary work sir.Really appreciate all your work.

Robert Wilson Photography said...

Hello from West Michigan. Beautiful colors in your 12 year image. Lots of work and expense I bet. Wondering do you sell prints..? Especially like the long landscape shot. Don't remember what it was called. Great work again...Robert Wilson

Anonymous said...

Have no words to appreciate your work, speechless. Truly amazing

Hans said...

Thank you so much for these incredible pictures. I can't stop looking at them!

Harmeet Singh said...

Sheer Brilliance

Harmeet Singh said...

Sheer Brilliance!!!

Sunil said...

Wow! Thanks for this spectacular insight into the depths of time and matter

Quantum D said...

This is astounding! Do you have prints available for purchase???

Unknown said...

Beyond my mind.impssible to fit all the beauty in and be all enthralled,mystified and practically lost in spirit.Yes.Which of the favors of your lord do you deny!

rob waterman said...

Where can I buy a print?

Kyle ( said...

Absolutely incredible work, J-P! Including this in my newsletter on Sunday to spread the word.

Anonymous said...

So when can we order a print?!

Unknown said...

Truly Impressive work J-P. Kudos to you. Thank you for sharing !

Cody Parsons said...

Mr.Metsavainio, thank you for sharing this work it is beautifully done and an amazing achievement. I'm so thankful to be witness to these images.

Unknown said...

WoW!, just wow, It is insane how much work and dedictation you put into this image. I need to look at this again when I´m a little high to fully appreciate the mind boggling immense-ness of the milky way. And again to applaud the herculean task that you performed with this. All the times i visited finland and marvelled at the stars, when in really dark places, it has been amazing, but this mosaik trumps anything the naked eye can see. I tuly love this! very very very well done and I am glad that people like you exist, who will work for 12 years in silence. I´m sharing this with everyone.!!

Jodie said...

Incredible, mind blowing work. Thank you for sharing this with the world.

Jodie said...

Incredible, mind blowing work. Thank you for sharing this with the world.

Anonymous said...


Liz said...

What you've achieved is magnificent!
Is it possible to purchase a print? I would love to see it on my wall.

webstoat said...

Stunning work!

Anonymous said...

Super cool! This is the result of A LOT of work. Congratulations, J-P!

Zach said...

Hi J-P, this work is incredible, and I'm so grateful that you shared it. I noticed a small typographical detail that you might want to fix. "Milky Way" is misspelled in the image showing the composite shot frames (as "Mily Way"). (Feel free to delete this comment--it was just a note to you). Thanks again for sharing your beautiful work--I have been staring at it for a half-hour and will be looking at it more!

Great ways to read books said...

Man I am really great to see this work done by you, this has taken a very long span of time to complete, you are helping us to see this beauty with our naked eyes.

Anonymous said...

Hi, awesome pictures if I can call them that. Do you plan to release a high-resolution version for all to use? Or maybe prints?

Unknown said...

Is it possible for you to post the full resolution file for us to see it in all its glory?

Ashwin Assysh Sharma said...

How can I get the original image? Can I buy it?

Stydier said...

Amazing work!!!

Unknown said...

Fantastic work! I have so much respect for what you've pulled off. I would love to support you in some way - is the mosaic available to be ordered as a print?

Misha Barth said...

Where can I see the full 100,000 pixel image?

Blake said...

Really noteworthy and commendable work. Thank you for sharing with the world.

LifeAdmin said...

Wow, you are getting recommend everywhere. Nice work

Devon Kentao said...

Absolutely stunning, thanks for all your work and share...!!! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Unknown said...

FarOut, really, really REALITY

Unknown said...

Amazing! Please make available as art.

Unknown said...

Spectacular results that follows enormous dedication. Congratulations 👏 👏 👏

Edgardo A Prado said...

Congratulations. Espetacular art work.


Size of Milky way galaxy according to your data becomes 1.32 ly.According to my theory size of Milky way is 1.3ly.

Brian said...

Thank you! It is truly amazing!

ahmed waddeyy said...

Greetings from the Maldives 💖🇲🇻
Keep it up . Respect !

MTNK said...

Wow !
Thanks for your great work !!
Would you sell posters of you work ?
Be safe,
Mits, NY

David Maijala said...

Absolutely amazing!

marti647 said...

Sorry if this shows up twice, but I wanted to make sure I expressed how absolutely beautiful this image is. It is a testament to the photographers skill and dedication. Thank you for sharing it.

navderek said...

Please consider selling your work through 'Great Big Canvas' website! These are great images! Thank you for you hard work and dedication!

Carl Earley said...

Are you thinking about making these images available to purchase?

They are very beautiful.

Great job.

Noelle said...

Stunning. Awesome. Amazing.

X said...

Amazing. I admire your passion! Well done.

Unknown said...

This is simply amazing! Thank you for sharing your work for everyone to see!!

Ken Black said...


I work in the field of big data analytics and visualization. Your work is inspiring to me on many levels. I appreciate your dedication, work ethic, innovative methods, artistic skills, and your vision to create such a masterpiece.

For about eight years I have been doing an independent study on global warming. The insights I have found have taught me a lot about what is really happening on our planet.

I mention this because these multi-year projects can be exhausting but yet exhilarating because you are likely to be the first person to have seen and comprehended the features you’ve visualized. Congratulations on this magnificent project!


Kimchi said...

Thank you for sharing. It is breathtakingly beautiful

Kimchi said...

Thank you for sharing! It is breathtakingly beautiful and informative.

Anonymous said...

This is absolutely amazing! Thank you so much for your hardwork. Because of you we are able to see this majestic picture.

Dooley Awadalla said...

What an amazing project !! Congratulations, your dedication is really worth it in so many ways. As somebody who has never been to Finland, it is not easy to conceptualise the concept of "Sisu", so thank you for this demonstration.

Your work doesn't have to be lonely if you don't want it to be, I'm sure there are many people who would love to visit you and learn more about your view of the galaxy.

Tilion said...

It's beautiful.

Q said...

Awesome! Thank you for your effort.

Unknown said...

Absolutely Amazing! Is it possible to get a large print of this so I can frame it and put on my wall? If so how can we arrange that?

Unknown said...

WOW! Absolutely incredible. You sir should receive an award for this. I commend you on your work but clearly this is not work, rather a labor of love. Awe inspiring indeed! Congrats and thank you for this.

Unknown said...

First I thought you have been using a very dusty lens. Then I realized all those dust particles are stars🤣.
Thank you for these beautiful pictures and for your hard work. Now we understand the Universe better.

James S. Taylor said...

Well done. Its a blessing for all of us to have you in our midst. This is an accomplishment to which everyone benefits and we appreciate it greatly and pray that it rewards you monetarily as much as im certain its rewarded you professionally and in a sense spiritually. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!!! Cheers.

James S. Taylor said...

Well done. Its a blessing for all of us to have you in our midst. This is an accomplishment to which everyone benefits and we appreciate it greatly and pray that it rewards you monetarily as much as im certain its rewarded you professionally and in a sense spiritually. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!!! Cheers.

Blog for Pastor Melissa Scott said...

Remarkable and breath-taking. Much congratulations to you for completing this amazing work. Thank you for sharing it!!

Blog for Pastor Melissa Scott said...

Amazing! Thank you for sharing your passion with us.

Mister_downunder said...

This image you have created is scientific poetry in motion. Thank you.

Mister_downunder said...

This image you have created is scientific poetry in motion. Thank you.

Unknown said...

I Also would love to purchase prints ....when Available ✌

Anonymous said...

I am mind blown, tnank you for this hard work! This is breathtaking and inspiring. A whole different perspective!

Sebastian said...

Wow! What a truly amazing piece of art and science. Thank you for creating such an enlightening and stunning image and for sharing you method so clearly. Your hard work and dedication was very much worth it.

John Laseter said...

My eyes just crossed and a headache is starting just thinking about it. LOL

Daniel Albiero said...

Fantastic!! Amazing! Congratulation!

PurpleClove said...

Stunning!! And I know my little phone is not doing it justice!!! This could be art hanging in a museum, but the educational value deserves to be viewed by all!! Incredible! And to stick with the project for so long- in an era of instant gratification/results - nice work!!

Unknown said...

I would love to buy this image to hang on my wall!

Anonymous said...

Congrats for your patience!!


Unknown said...

Thank you for taking the time, energy, resources and much more to get this picture. To be able to see all this wonder surrounding us is breathtaking. In Latin américa we say that "one image speaks more than a thousand words". Thank you so much. Hope you keep showing all the beauty of this universe.

s said...

This is incredible! Beautiful! Stunning! Running out of words, really amazing work. Thank you.
Might just print and put it on wall.

Tähtien ihailija said...

Kiitos ihanasta työstä. Kun näen oikein kauniita kuvia tulee vedet silmiin kuvasi saivat kyynelehtimään.

Virgo said...

Completely agree of your interpretation; Magnificent!

It's certainly worthy of APOD/

Even better than APOD, it is:
"Astronomy Photo of the Year" APOY!

Virgo said...


J-P Metsavainio said...


I just opened this possibility for a short period of time.
You can buy my photos as a real photographic prints online .

Clear Skies,
Astronomical Nature Photographer
J-P Metsavainio,

Unknown said...

What a contribution! Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Kiitos, herra Metsavainio

Linda Hunt said...

Dear Mr. Metsavanio,
As a wee child I would stand guard during the night protecting children with an astigmatism and my journeys through the blurry Milky Way kept me company throughout the night. At about 12 I got glasses and saw the Milky that same night and had my mind blown beyond any words I had at the time. In my six decades it has been my sentinel, mentor, guide, companion, solace and source of the greatest beauty in my life of our Cosmos. To be introduced to your grand life work in one go last week left me speechless crying and laughing with absolute joy at the peaceful beauty you have brought right down to our homes on this globe for the whole world to view what your vision is and that feels like you dedicate your beautiful soul to. A very humble thank you is the best I can do for the gratitude, grace and beauty you have introduced me to anew of our galaxy. No small feat in any imagination.

Anonymous said...


Esteban said...

I admire and thank your dedication, this is no mere hobby!

"There was something heartbreakingly beautiful about the lights of distant ships, I thought. It was something that touched both on human achievement and the vastness against which those achievements seemed so frail. It was the same thing whether the lights belonged to a caravel battling the swell on a stormy horizon or a diamond-hulled starship which had just sliced its way through interstellar space."
-Chasm City, Alastair Reynolds.

Oschti said...

Fantastic work! Big astronomy commitment and knowledge can be feel in images and they are all astonishing. Keep on going with this incredible work J-P.

Oschti said...

Fantastic work! Big astronomy commitment and knowledge can be feel in images and they are all astonishing. Keep on going with this incredible work J-P.

Oschti said...

Fantastic job! Great astronomy commitment and knowledge can be feel in each astonishing photography. Keep going on with this great work J-P.

Unknown said...

Truly beautiful, authentic dedication so much love and thabks to you for all of this it is mindblowing. I look forward to your next work.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing this. Inspiring and beautiful. It made my day

Sondra said...

Thank you for introducing me to this - beyond BEAUTIFUL!

Anonymous said...

Bravo! Very Bravo!

Dragos Niculescu said...

Amazing work, but, you have a problem. A lot of people will hate you if you would not sell them full scale prints.

Dragos Niculescu said...

Amazing work, but you have a problem. A lot of people will hate you if you will not sale full scale prints.

Astronomy For Change said...

Great work! We've just produced a video highlighting your work and this image:

Parvaiz Naim said...

Fascinating! Many thanks for sharing such amazing images!

Unknown said...

Beautiful. Thank you, for doing this.

Steve on the Island said...

Breathtaking and beyond.
I get weepy during the times when I can be immersed in the perception of the enormity of infinite time and space on a quiet hilltop away from civilization on a perfectly clear new moon night.
Your images capture this eternal majesty most beautifully.
With gratitude for an accomplishment for the ages.

JiiPee said...

You can buy my photos as a real photographic prints online temporary .

About the very large panorama, it's technically difficult to print as one, due to long and narrow shape.

There is a version where I splitted this panorama to a four pieces, A,B,C and C. It'll look amazing when on the wall framed and side by side.

I have it like that at my home.
Just try to get them in a correct order.

Clear Skies,
Astronomical Nature Photographer
J-P Metsavainio,

Ei viruksia.

Show quoted text

On Thu, 25 Mar 2021, 3.16 Blogger Contact Form, wrote:

Show quoted text

JiiPee said...

You can buy my photos as a real photographic prints online temporary .

About the very large panorama, it's technically difficult to print as one, due to long and narrow shape.

There is a version where I splitted this panorama to a four pieces, A,B,C and C. It'll look amazing when on the wall framed and side by side.

I have it like that at my home.
Just try to get them in a correct order.

Clear Skies,
Astronomical Nature Photographer
J-P Metsavainio,

Ei viruksia.

Show quoted text

On Thu, 25 Mar 2021, 3.16 Blogger Contact Form, wrote:

Show quoted text

JiiPee said...

You can buy my photos as a real photographic prints online temporary .

About the very large panorama, it's technically difficult to print as one, due to long and narrow shape.

There is a version where I splitted this panorama to a four pieces, A,B,C and C. It'll look amazing when on the wall framed and side by side.

I have it like that at my home.
Just try to get them in a correct order.

Clear Skies,
Astronomical Nature Photographer
J-P Metsavainio,

Ei viruksia.

Show quoted text

On Thu, 25 Mar 2021, 3.16 Blogger Contact Form, wrote:

Show quoted text

JiiPee said...

You can buy my photos as a real photographic prints online temporary .

About the very large panorama, it's technically difficult to print as one, due to long and narrow shape.

There is a version where I splitted this panorama to a four pieces, A,B,C and C. It'll look amazing when on the wall framed and side by side.

I have it like that at my home.
Just try to get them in a correct order.

Clear Skies,
Astronomical Nature Photographer
J-P Metsavainio,

Ei viruksia.

Show quoted text

On Thu, 25 Mar 2021, 3.16 Blogger Contact Form, wrote:

Show quoted text

JiiPee said...


JiiPee said...


JiiPee said...


JiiPee said...

You can buy my photos as a real photographic prints online temporary .

About the very large panorama, it's technically difficult to print as one, due to long and narrow shape.
There is a version where I splitted this panorama to a four pieces, A,B,C and C. It'll look amazing when on the wall framed and side by side.
I have it like that at my home.
Just try to get them in a correct order.

Clear Skies,
Astronomical Nature Photographer
J-P Metsavainio,

Ei viruksia.

Show quoted text

JiiPee said...

You can buy my photos as a real photographic prints online temporary .

About the very large panorama, it's technically difficult to print as one, due to long and narrow shape.
There is a version where I splitted this panorama to a four pieces, A,B,C and C. It'll look amazing when on the wall framed and side by side.
I have it like that at my home.
Just try to get them in a correct order.

Clear Skies,
Astronomical Nature Photographer
J-P Metsavainio,

Ei viruksia.

Show quoted text

JiiPee said...

You can buy my photos as a real photographic prints online temporary .

About the very large panorama, it's technically difficult to print as one, due to long and narrow shape.
There is a version where I splitted this panorama to a four pieces, A,B,C and C. It'll look amazing when on the wall framed and side by side.
I have it like that at my home.
Just try to get them in a correct order.

Clear Skies,
Astronomical Nature Photographer
J-P Metsavainio,

Ei viruksia.

Show quoted text

JiiPee said...

You can buy my photos as a real photographic prints online temporary .

About the very large panorama, it's technically difficult to print as one, due to long and narrow shape.
There is a version where I splitted this panorama to a four pieces, A,B,C and C. It'll look amazing when on the wall framed and side by side.
I have it like that at my home.
Just try to get them in a correct order.

Clear Skies,
Astronomical Nature Photographer
J-P Metsavainio,

Ei viruksia.

Show quoted text

JiiPee said...

You can buy my photos as a real photographic prints online temporary .

About the very large panorama, it's technically difficult to print as one, due to long and narrow shape.
There is a version where I splitted this panorama to a four pieces, A,B,C and C. It'll look amazing when on the wall framed and side by side.
I have it like that at my home.
Just try to get them in a correct order.

Clear Skies,
Astronomical Nature Photographer
J-P Metsavainio,

Ei viruksia.

Show quoted text

JiiPee said...

You can buy my photos as a real photographic prints online temporary .

About the very large panorama, it's technically difficult to print as one, due to long and narrow shape.
There is a version where I splitted this panorama to a four pieces, A,B,C and C. It'll look amazing when on the wall framed and side by side.
I have it like that at my home.
Just try to get them in a correct order.

Clear Skies,
Astronomical Nature Photographer
J-P Metsavainio,

Ei viruksia.

Show quoted text

JiiPee said...

You can buy my photos as a real photographic prints online temporary .

About the very large panorama, it's technically difficult to print as one, due to long and narrow shape.
There is a version where I splitted this panorama to a four pieces, A,B,C and C. It'll look amazing when on the wall framed and side by side.
I have it like that at my home.
Just try to get them in a correct order.

Clear Skies,
Astronomical Nature Photographer
J-P Metsavainio,

Ei viruksia.

Show quoted text

JiiPee said...

You can buy my photos as a real photographic prints online temporary .

About the very large panorama, it's technically difficult to print as one, due to long and narrow shape.
There is a version where I splitted this panorama to a four pieces, A,B,C and C. It'll look amazing when on the wall framed and side by side.
I have it like that at my home.
Just try to get them in a correct order.

Clear Skies,
Astronomical Nature Photographer
J-P Metsavainio,

Ei viruksia.

Show quoted text

JiiPee said...

You can buy my photos as a real photographic prints online temporary .

About the very large panorama, it's technically difficult to print as one, due to long and narrow shape.
There is a version where I splitted this panorama to a four pieces, A,B,C and C. It'll look amazing when on the wall framed and side by side.
I have it like that at my home.
Just try to get them in a correct order.

Clear Skies,
Astronomical Nature Photographer
J-P Metsavainio,

Ei viruksia.

Show quoted text

JiiPee said...

You can buy my photos as a real photographic prints online temporary .

About the very large panorama, it's technically difficult to print as one, due to long and narrow shape.
There is a version where I splitted this panorama to a four pieces, A,B,C and C. It'll look amazing when on the wall framed and side by side.
I have it like that at my home.
Just try to get them in a correct order.

Clear Skies,
Astronomical Nature Photographer
J-P Metsavainio,

Ei viruksia.

Show quoted text

JiiPee said...

You can buy my photos as a real photographic prints online temporary .

About the very large panorama, it's technically difficult to print as one, due to long and narrow shape.
There is a version where I splitted this panorama to a four pieces, A,B,C and C. It'll look amazing when on the wall framed and side by side.
I have it like that at my home.
Just try to get them in a correct order.

Clear Skies,
Astronomical Nature Photographer
J-P Metsavainio,

Ei viruksia.

Show quoted text

JiiPee said...

You can buy my photos as a real photographic prints online temporary .

About the very large panorama, it's technically difficult to print as one, due to long and narrow shape.
There is a version where I splitted this panorama to a four pieces, A,B,C and C. It'll look amazing when on the wall framed and side by side.
I have it like that at my home.
Just try to get them in a correct order.

Clear Skies,
Astronomical Nature Photographer
J-P Metsavainio,

Ei viruksia.

Show quoted text

JiiPee said...

You can buy my photos as a real photographic prints online temporary .

About the very large panorama, it's technically difficult to print as one, due to long and narrow shape.
There is a version where I splitted this panorama to a four pieces, A,B,C and C. It'll look amazing when on the wall framed and side by side.
I have it like that at my home.
Just try to get them in a correct order.

Clear Skies,
Astronomical Nature Photographer
J-P Metsavainio,

Ei viruksia.

Show quoted text

JiiPee said...

You can buy my photos as a real photographic prints online temporary .

About the very large panorama, it's technically difficult to print as one, due to long and narrow shape.
There is a version where I splitted this panorama to a four pieces, A,B,C and C. It'll look amazing when on the wall framed and side by side.
I have it like that at my home.
Just try to get them in a correct order.

Clear Skies,
Astronomical Nature Photographer
J-P Metsavainio,

Ei viruksia.

Show quoted text

JiiPee said...

You can buy my photos as a real photographic prints online temporary .

About the very large panorama, it's technically difficult to print as one, due to long and narrow shape.
There is a version where I splitted this panorama to a four pieces, A,B,C and C. It'll look amazing when on the wall framed and side by side.
I have it like that at my home.
Just try to get them in a correct order.

Clear Skies,
Astronomical Nature Photographer
J-P Metsavainio,

Ei viruksia.

Show quoted text

JiiPee said...

You can buy my photos as a real photographic prints online temporary .

About the very large panorama, it's technically difficult to print as one, due to long and narrow shape.
There is a version where I splitted this panorama to a four pieces, A,B,C and C. It'll look amazing when on the wall framed and side by side.
I have it like that at my home.
Just try to get them in a correct order.

Clear Skies,
Astronomical Nature Photographer
J-P Metsavainio,

Ei viruksia.

Show quoted text

JiiPee said...

You can buy my photos as a real photographic prints online temporary .

About the very large panorama, it's technically difficult to print as one, due to long and narrow shape.
There is a version where I splitted this panorama to a four pieces, A,B,C and C. It'll look amazing when on the wall framed and side by side.
I have it like that at my home.
Just try to get them in a correct order.

Clear Skies,
Astronomical Nature Photographer
J-P Metsavainio,

Ei viruksia.

Show quoted text

JiiPee said...

You can buy my photos as a real photographic prints online temporary .

About the very large panorama, it's technically difficult to print as one, due to long and narrow shape.
There is a version where I splitted this panorama to a four pieces, A,B,C and C. It'll look amazing when on the wall framed and side by side.
I have it like that at my home.
Just try to get them in a correct order.

Clear Skies,
Astronomical Nature Photographer
J-P Metsavainio,

Ei viruksia.

Show quoted text

JiiPee said...

You can buy my photos as a real photographic prints online temporary .

About the very large panorama, it's technically difficult to print as one, due to long and narrow shape.
There is a version where I splitted this panorama to a four pieces, A,B,C and C. It'll look amazing when on the wall framed and side by side.
I have it like that at my home.
Just try to get them in a correct order.

Clear Skies,
Astronomical Nature Photographer
J-P Metsavainio,

Ei viruksia.

Show quoted text

JiiPee said...

You can buy my photos as a real photographic prints online temporary .

About the very large panorama, it's technically difficult to print as one, due to long and narrow shape.
There is a version where I splitted this panorama to a four pieces, A,B,C and C. It'll look amazing when on the wall framed and side by side.
I have it like that at my home.
Just try to get them in a correct order.

Clear Skies,
Astronomical Nature Photographer
J-P Metsavainio,

Ei viruksia.

Show quoted text

JiiPee said...

You can buy my photos as a real photographic prints online temporary .

About the very large panorama, it's technically difficult to print as one, due to long and narrow shape.
There is a version where I splitted this panorama to a four pieces, A,B,C and C. It'll look amazing when on the wall framed and side by side.
I have it like that at my home.
Just try to get them in a correct order.

Clear Skies,
Astronomical Nature Photographer
J-P Metsavainio,

Ei viruksia.

Show quoted text

JiiPee said...

You can buy my photos as a real photographic prints online temporary .

About the very large panorama, it's technically difficult to print as one, due to long and narrow shape.
There is a version where I splitted this panorama to a four pieces, A,B,C and C. It'll look amazing when on the wall framed and side by side.
I have it like that at my home.
Just try to get them in a correct order.

Clear Skies,
Astronomical Nature Photographer
J-P Metsavainio,

Ei viruksia.

Show quoted text

JiiPee said...

You can buy my photos as a real photographic prints online temporary .

About the very large panorama, it's technically difficult to print as one, due to long and narrow shape.
There is a version where I splitted this panorama to a four pieces, A,B,C and C. It'll look amazing when on the wall framed and side by side.
I have it like that at my home.
Just try to get them in a correct order.

Clear Skies,
Astronomical Nature Photographer
J-P Metsavainio,

Ei viruksia.

Show quoted text

JiiPee said...

You can buy my photos as a real photographic prints online temporary .

About the very large panorama, it's technically difficult to print as one, due to long and narrow shape.
There is a version where I splitted this panorama to a four pieces, A,B,C and C. It'll look amazing when on the wall framed and side by side.
I have it like that at my home.
Just try to get them in a correct order.

Clear Skies,
Astronomical Nature Photographer
J-P Metsavainio,

Ei viruksia.

Show quoted text

JiiPee said...

You can buy my photos as a real photographic prints online temporary .

About the very large panorama, it's technically difficult to print as one, due to long and narrow shape.
There is a version where I splitted this panorama to a four pieces, A,B,C and C. It'll look amazing when on the wall framed and side by side.
I have it like that at my home.
Just try to get them in a correct order.

Clear Skies,
Astronomical Nature Photographer
J-P Metsavainio,

Ei viruksia.

Show quoted text

JiiPee said...

You can buy my photos as a real photographic prints online temporary .

About the very large panorama, it's technically difficult to print as one, due to long and narrow shape.
There is a version where I splitted this panorama to a four pieces, A,B,C and C. It'll look amazing when on the wall framed and side by side.
I have it like that at my home.
Just try to get them in a correct order.

Clear Skies,
Astronomical Nature Photographer
J-P Metsavainio,

Ei viruksia.

Show quoted text

JiiPee said...

You can buy my photos as a real photographic prints online temporary .

About the very large panorama, it's technically difficult to print as one, due to long and narrow shape.
There is a version where I splitted this panorama to a four pieces, A,B,C and C. It'll look amazing when on the wall framed and side by side.
I have it like that at my home.
Just try to get them in a correct order.

Clear Skies,
Astronomical Nature Photographer
J-P Metsavainio,

Ei viruksia.

Show quoted text

JiiPee said...

You can buy my photos as a real photographic prints online temporary .

About the very large panorama, it's technically difficult to print as one, due to long and narrow shape.
There is a version where I splitted this panorama to a four pieces, A,B,C and C. It'll look amazing when on the wall framed and side by side.
I have it like that at my home.
Just try to get them in a correct order.

Clear Skies,
Astronomical Nature Photographer
J-P Metsavainio,

Ei viruksia.

Show quoted text

JiiPee said...

You can buy my photos as a real photographic prints online temporary .

About the very large panorama, it's technically difficult to print as one, due to long and narrow shape.
There is a version where I splitted this panorama to a four pieces, A,B,C and C. It'll look amazing when on the wall framed and side by side.
I have it like that at my home.
Just try to get them in a correct order.

Clear Skies,
Astronomical Nature Photographer
J-P Metsavainio,

Ei viruksia.

Show quoted text

Anonymous said...

Amazing work, would be even more fantastic if it were zoomable, like the Hublle UDF.


Anonymous said...


Db23 said...

Thanks for all.

Prateek Bawkar said...

Amazing work. Great dedication.