All the material on this website is copyrighted to J-P Metsavainio, if not otherwise stated. Any content on this website may not be reproduced without the author’s permission.
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Astro Anarchy, the year 2015
This post is about all of my astronomical photos from the year 2015
All my photos from the Spring and Autumn seasons of 2015 are taken with my new imaging setup. Celestron Edge HD 1100 with 0.7 reducer at 10-micron mount. Apogee Alta U16 camera with Astrodon filters and an active optics unit, SXV AO LF, from Starlight Xpress.
My humble thanks to the supporters, they made my work possible!
All companies are offering the first class products and service!
Year 2015 as an image poster
Individual blog posts about images in the poster with the technical details. (Up left to lower right)
Pickering's Triangle in O-III,
Sharpless 232,
Pickering's Triangle, NASA APOD
Filaments of Cygnus,
Witch Broom Nebula,
Monkey Head nebula,
Filaments of Cygnus,
Filaments of Cygnus,
Elephant's Trunk Nebula,
Flaming Star Nebula,
Filaments of Cygnus,
Filaments of Cygnus,
(I tested some morphing algorithm, duration 2:58)
As usually, I made my experimental 3d-studies out of my astrophotos. Here is a collection out of them.
A deep deep space
A HD video, ~11 min.
A deep deep space
A HD video, ~11 min.
Original movie is in HD 1080p resolution. Please, click the Youtube logo at lower right to see this video in Youtube. Click the Gear symbol, at lower right in Youtube window, and select the Quality to 1080p.
Then watch the video in full screen for the best viewing experience.
More info about technique used,
Some highlights of the year 2015
In reversed chronological order
- The apophenia of nebulae, Astro Anarchy gets published by CNET

- I was a speaker in Opticfestival, Skara, Sweden
- A gallery exhibition in Galleria Kajaste, Oulu, Finland
This is a broadband LRGB image of the Rosette Nebula from a remote observatory in Tenerife.
- APOD by NASA (Astronomy Picture of the Day)
- I was a one of the speakers in Panhellenic Conference of Astronomy in Sparta, Greece
Dr.Ioannis - Hugh Seiradakis Professor of the Physics Department of AUTH
J-P Metsavainio Finnish astrophotographer
J-P Metsavainio Finnish astrophotographer
The Dr.Fiori Anastasia Metallinou is an associate of the Institute of Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications and Remote Sensing of the National Observatory of Athens.
Dr.Kosmas gauze is Lecturer of the Department of Astrophysics, Astronomy and Mechanics, University of Athens
- A gallery exhibition in Helsinki, Finland, Galleria Kajaste
Two concerts with two vocal ensemble Cappella pro Vocale from Oulu and Punctum from Rovaniemi. Thousand year old vocal music with my astronomical photos turned to be a timeless combination.
My imageshow was matched with music and it was projected on the walls and ceiling with four power projectors. Concert took place in two places, first one was in Oulu, Finland at the Church of St Thomas, the second one took place in Rovaniemi in Northern Finland at the Chapel of Korkalovaara.
Concert in Rovaniemi, Chapel of Korkalovaara at Polar Circle (Image is taken during rehearsal)
Concert in my hometown Oulu at Church of St Thomas
Concert in my hometown Oulu at Church of St Thomas
Concert in Rovaniemi, Chapel of Korkalovaara at Polar Circle (Image is taken during rehearsal)
Concert in Rovaniemi, Chapel of Korkalovaara at Polar Circle (Image is taken during rehearsal)
Narrowband color images,
Friday, December 25, 2015
Monday, December 14, 2015
Concert, thousand year old vocal music with astronomical photos
During last weekend I have had two concerts with two vocal ensemble Cappella pro Vocale from Oulu and Punctum from Rovaniemi. Thousand year old vocal music with my astronomical photos turned to be a timeless combination. This was my second production with Cappella pro Vocale, we did a similar Christmas concert in Oulu last year.
My imageshow was matched with music and it was projected on the walls and ceiling with four power projectors. Concert took place in two places, first one was in Oulu, Finland at the Church of St Thomas, the second one took place in Rovaniemi in Northern Finland at the Chapel of Korkalovaara.
Many thanks to Cappella pro Vocale, Punctum and all of the visitors!
Photos from two concert
Click for a large image
Concert in Rovaniemi, Chapel of Korkalovaara at Polar Circle (Image is taken during rehearsal)

Concert in my hometown Oulu at Church of St Thomas

Concert in my hometown Oulu at Church of St Thomas

Concert in Rovaniemi, Chapel of Korkalovaara at Polar Circle (Image is taken during rehearsal)

Concert in Rovaniemi, Chapel of Korkalovaara at Polar Circle (Image is taken during rehearsal)
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Astro Anarchy gets published, Exhibition in Helsinki, Finland
Galleria Kajaste Bulevardi 32/Albertinkatu 30, 00120 Helsinki
Opening hours, wednesday - Thursday 13-19.00 and Saturday-Sunday 12-16.00
Monday and Tuesday closed
Art exhibition, PER ASPERA AD ASTRA
Astrophotographer J-P Metsavainio
Exhibition poster
Some Photos in exhibition
Museum quality art prints and very large aluminium prints
Saturday, December 5, 2015
Astro Anarchy gets published, art exhibition in Oulu
An art exhibition in Oulu, Finland. "Uusi Muoto" 1. - 23.12. Open every day 12 - 19.00, welcome!
Address: Torikatu 14, Oulu, Finland.
Lots of new artworks from all of us.
Pictures from the exhibition

Astrophotographer is cleaning the extra stardust out of the framed image of NGC 281.

Astrophotographer is cleaning the extra stardust out of the framed image of NGC 281.


From left to right, Christelle Mas, J-P Metsavainio and Anni Arffman
Exhibition poster

Sample images from three artists

Anni Arffman, Christelle Mas and J-P Metsavainio
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