All the material on this website is copyrighted to J-P Metsavainio, if not otherwise stated. Any content on this website may not be reproduced without the author’s permission.


Tuesday, December 31, 2024

All of my photos from the Year 2024

As usually, I'm publishing a poster format presentation of my photos at end of the year. This time all of the material is shot at Autumn Season 2024 since I got my new imaging platform up and running by then.

I haven't been able to produce any new material for almost three years due to some health problems. After hard times I'm back and well again. 

Building a new imaging system fully functional took couple of years. It's working now very well, only some small tweaking has to be done next year, I'll do it during the mandatory Summer pause of six months.

All of my photos from the Year 2024
Click for a full size image

A large, 8000x7000 pixel image

Photo Details
From top left to bottom right

  1. MWP1,
  2. WR 134,
  3. NGC 7380, the Wizard Nebula,
  4. Sharpless 132,
  5. Pelican Nebula,
  6. Sharpless 112,
  7. Tulip nebula,
  8. Sharpless 115,

The new imaging Platform

Detailed information about the new toolset here:

The Cover picture of the Official Year Calendar of Vatican Observatory

My photo of  Sharpless 157 was selected as a cover picture of the Vatican Observatory Calendar

My Work in the Media, some highlights


My TV-interview in a live talk show, 

Arto Nyberg (Finnish)
You can see the show here:

World's leading independent photography, videography, and imaging technology publication

"This Astrophotographer Captures the Universe Unlike Anyone Else"

You can read the article here: 

5 million visitors coming to our site each month, looking for articles on art, design, photography, architecture, science, technology, environmental issues, and more.

"Remarkable Astrophotography Captures the Sublime Beauty of Universe"
Jessica Stewart on November 11, 2024

You can read the article here: 


"Olemme kaikki su­per­no­vien lapsia" 

Haastattelun voi kuunnella täältä sivun lopusta: (Finnish)

Monday, December 23, 2024

Sharpless 132, A closeup

I published my latest photo out of Sh-2132 emission nebula just few days ago.
Now I'm publishing a "Spinoff" image out of it. Since the photo was a very high resolution one, I'm able to cut out a new composition out of it. The cut out has a resolution of 4000x4400 pixels.

Sharpless 132, Up Close and Personal
Click for a full size photo, 2000x2200 pixels

A mapped color image from a light emitted by an ionized elements, 
sulfur=red, hydrogen=green and oxygen=blue

New Processing For a Christmas 
Click for a full size photo, 2000x2200 pixels

Technical details

All the technical details can be found from the original post here:

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Sharpless 132, A Furious Cosmic Horse Gets Blinded by a Divine Blue Light

 This is one of my favorite targets in Cepheus, Sh2-132 has an interesting structures due to massive energetic stars in it. I haven't found any explanation to the blue, jet like, structure glowing blue light of ionized Oxygen (O-III), the structure is visible also in H-alpha light.

When I shot firs photos out of this distant object about twenty years ago, I gave a longish name to it, "A Furious Cosmic Horse Gets Blinded by a Divine Blue Light" I don't usually name my photos but with some of them I simply must do so.

This is a kind of high resolution photo taken with my new imaging platform, it covers about 0.7 x0.7 degrees of sky. (Full Moon has an apparent diameter 0,5 degrees) Seeing was very good to my location, FWHM about 1.6 arcseconds, that's rare up here. 

Sharpless 132
A Furious Cosmic Horse Gets Blinded by a Divine Blue Light

A mapped color image from a light emitted by an ionized elements, 
sulfur=red, hydrogen=green and oxygen=blue

100% Enlarged Portion of the Full Resolution Photo
Click for a full size, 2000x2000 pixels

The Horse, as I see it

I borrowed a horse from the Piazza Navona Roma, it was a furious enough

Sharpless 132 (Sh2-132) is powered by two massive stars, each with a mass over 20 times greater than our Sun. Formed from shells of ionized gas that have expanded, the nebula's energetic matter not only glows, but is dense enough to contract gravitationally and form stars. The angular size of the Lion Nebula, officially named Sh2-132, is slightly greater than that of the full moon. The gaseous iconic region resides about 10,000 light years away in a constellation named after the King of Aethopia in Greek mythology.

Sharpless 132 in visual colors
Click for a full size photo, 2500x2500

Visual color version of Sh2-115 glows mostly in red from a light emitted by an ionized elements,
sulfur=red, hydrogen=red and oxygen=blue, this combination is very close to a natural color palette.

Sh2-132 in a large context
Please, click for a large image

Sharpless 132 is marked with a white rectangle at center right

Technical details

Processing workflow

Image acquisition, MaximDL v5.07.
Stacked and calibrated in CCDStack2.
Deconvolution with a CCDStack2 Positive Constraint, 27 iterations, added at 50% weight
Color combine in PS CS3
Levels and curves in PS CS3.

Imaging optics, 
Celestron EDGE 14" with 0.7 Focal reducer

MesuMount Mark II

Imaging camera Apogee Alta U9000M and Apogee seven slot filter wheel
Guider camera, Lodestar x 2 and SXV-AO Active Optics @ 5hz

Astrodon 5nm H-alpha, 3nm S-II and 3nm O-III

Total exposure time 11h
H-alpha, 15 x 1200 s, binned 1x1 = 5 h
O-III,9x 1200 s, binned 2x2 = 3h 
S-II, 9 x 1200 s. binned 2x2 = 3h

A single calibrated 20 min exposure of 
H-alpha, Bin 1x1
 Click for a full size image.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Pansy of the Swan, Sharpless 112

 My previous image was showing the Sharpless 115 an emission nebula area in Cygnus, just next to it lays another Sharpless catalog target, Sh2-112.

My new photo about Sh2-112 has O-III and S-II data from my older image of Sharpless 112 from the October 2015. The new H-alpha data is much deeper and has a higher resolution.  For some reason, this target has always been very difficult to process. Details in a background are very diffused and the actual emission nebula has a vast dynamic range, from a very bright to a very dim features. 

I renamed this target to a "Pansy of the Swan" since the bright nebula looks like a blooming yellow pansy.

Sahrpless112, Pansy of the Swan
Click for a full size photo, 2000x2000 pixels

A mapped color image from a light emitted by an ionized elements, 
sulfur=red, hydrogen=green and oxygen=blue

200% Enlarged Portion of the Photo and a Baby Fox
Click for a full size, 2000x2000 pixels


 Sharpless 112 (Sh2-112) lays in the Cygnus, the area rich in Ha, approximately 5000 light years away. Its location is full of faint nebulosity, as seen in the background of my photo. The nebula is energized by a hot, young star, BD +45 3216, which emits large amounts of UV light causing the gases to glow light. 

Sharpless 112 in visual colors
Click for a full size photo, 2000x2000 pixels

Visual color version of Sh2-115 glows mostly in red from a light emitted by an ionized elements,
sulfur=red, hydrogen=red and oxygen=blue, this combination is very close to a natural color palette.

Sh2-112 in a large context
Please, click for a large image, NOTE. 4000x5000 pixels

Sharpless 155 is marked with a white rectangle at lower left.
This is my very large mosaic photo of the whole Cygnus, more info about this massive photo

Technical details

Processing workflow

Image acquisition, MaximDL v5.07.
Stacked and calibrated in CCDStack2.
Deconvolution with a CCDStack2 Positive Constraint, 27 iterations, added at 50% weight
Color combine in PS CS3
Levels and curves in PS CS3.

Imaging optics, 
Celestron EDGE 14" with 0.7 Focal reducer

MesuMount Mark II

Imaging camera Apogee Alta U9000M and Apogee seven slot filter wheel
Guider camera, Lodestar x 2 and SXV-AO Active Optics @ 5hz

Astrodon 5nm H-alpha, 3nm S-II and 3nm O-III

Total exposure time 13h
H-alpha, 18 x 1200 s, binned 1x1 = 6 h
O-III,12x 1200 s, binned 2x2 = 4h 
S-II, 9 x 1200 s. binned 2x2 = 3h

A single calibrated 20 min exposure of H-alpha, Bin 1x1
 Click for a full size image.