All the material on this website is copyrighted to J-P Metsavainio, if not otherwise stated. Any content on this website may not be reproduced without the author’s permission.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Cygnus zoom in series, the "Crescent Nebula, NGC 6888
Due the high latitude, 65N, deep sky astronomical imaging can't be done up here yet.
Instead I made an other zoom in series from my older material to show the apparent scale in the sky.
This time I'm zooming from 23 to 0,3 degrees of sky at the direction of NGC 6888 in Cygnus.
I have shot many targets with several focal lengths.
Due that, I will publish some of my material as an image sets, with different field of view and level of details.
The fractal nature of our universe stands out nicely by this way and it will make the orientation more easy.
Many times, it's difficult to understand the image scale of astronomical images.
Due that, I have added a "Moon circle" in the images to show the angular scale in a sky.
The full Moon has an angular size of ~30 arc minutes, that's equal to ~0,5 degrees.
Cygnus zoom in series, a study of the apparent scale in the sky.
Note. The apparent size of the full Moon is marked as a gray circle at upper Right corner.
An older version can be seen Here:
A star map for the orientation
Images used in this series:
A giant, 18-panels, mosaic of the Cygnus constellation with 200mm canon EF at f1.8:
Closeup of NGC 6888, the "Crescent Nebula" with Meade LX 200 GPS, reduced to f5 ~2000mm:
A giant, 18-panels, mosaic of the Cygnus constellation with 200mm canon EF at f1.8:
Closeup of NGC 6888, the "Crescent Nebula" with Meade LX 200 GPS, reduced to f5 ~2000mm:
Narrowband color images,
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
An exhibition, Astro Anarchy get published
An photographic exhibition, 28.05 - 31.08. in Oulu, Finland
Every day between 9.00 - 18.00 in Terveystalo, ODL, Albertinkatu 16
This is a joint exhibition with my friend Esa Jormakka, an orthopedic doctor and nature photographer.
Opening day was at 28.05. 2012 in my home town Oulu. A private hospital, Terveystalo, offered the bottom floor for exhibition area. It's a great place, with lots of natural light, at very center of city. If you'll like to take a visit, the address is Albertinkatu 16. The exhibition will be open whole Summer up to 31.08.2012, every day between 9.00-18.00
Random images from the exhibition
Images from the exhibition by Esa Jormakka
The artwork at center is about 1,8 meters high and 1,1 wide ( 6 x 3,7 feet)
High wall of main lobby, with panoramic images, the top most artwork is Four meters long. (13,3 feet)
The Moon, center image is 2,5 meters long. (8,3 feet)
Both images are 1,5 meters long ( 5 feet)
Yours truly at Right...
Special thanks to,
Terveystalo, Oulu
Eero Suvilehto
Ursa Astronomical Association
Monday, April 16, 2012
Uniikki kirja (an unique book)
NEW, versions in English and Finnish
Kun taivas ei ole rajana
J-P Metsävainio, kuvia taiteen pimeältä puolelta
When the sky is not a limit
J-P Metsävainio, kuvia taiteen pimeältä puolelta
When the sky is not a limit
J-P Metsävainio, the dark side of art
Kirja astronomisista kuvistani. Numeroitu, singeerattu, sarja. Maksimipainos 99 kpl.
Book from my astronomical images. Numbered and signed series, max. print volume, 99 books.
Book from my astronomical images. Numbered and signed series, max. print volume, 99 books.
Kuva kirjan kannesta, A3 kokoinen, aukeama 85 cm leveä
The cover of the book, an opened book is 85 cm wide. (34 inch)
The cover of the book, an opened book is 85 cm wide. (34 inch)
- Kovakantinen, kiiltolaminointi, laminated hard cover
- Sisäsivut tukevaa 200 g/m² satiinipintaista taidepaperia, printed on thick art quality paper
- Koko A3, 42,5 x 30,5 cm, aukeama muhkeat 85 cm leveä, size 17x12 inch, opening is 34 inch wide!
- 120 sivua ja yli 200 kuvaa, 120 pages and over 200 images
- Kokealaatuinen väripainatus, väriprofilointia käytetty, joten lopputulos vastaa täysin tarkoittamaani, high quality color calibrated print
- Kirjan alussa tiivis tietopaketti kuvaajasta, tähtikuvauksesta, tekniikasta ja väreistä, An information baggage about the imager, astrophotography and techniques used.
- Jokainen kirja kuvaajan singeeraama ja numeroitu tyyliin 1/99, every book is signed and numbered
- Toimitusaika. kaksi - kolme viikkoa, delivery time two-three weeks
- Ainoa sarja, uutta samanlaista ei tehdä ja painotiedosto tuhotaan, kun 99 kirjaa on myyty, unique series, when 99 copies are printed, the original print file gets deleted.
This book is an unique art work, not a bulk printed book. The price is higher for that reason. (Normally a 40x30cm art quality print from my images will cost 150 Eur.)
Hinnasta tulee tietysti aika korkea tällä tavoin tehtynä, toisaalta kyseessä on graafinen taideteos, ei tavallinen kirja. Periaatteessa yhden-kahden rajatun sarjan valokuvavedoksen hinnalla saa 120 kpl niitä...
Kirjan hinta on 475€, sisältäen verot ja postikulut Suomeen
Yhteydenotot sähköpostitse osoitteeseen
The price of the book is 475€, including tax.
Please, contact:
Satunnaisia kuvia kirjan sivuista
Klikkaa isommiksi. huom. tulitikkuaski mittakaavana kuvissa
Random images from the book
Click for a large image. NOTE. there is a matchbox as a scale in the images.
Kuu, Moon
Pelikaanisumu Joutsenen tähdistössä, Pelican Nebula
Ajomiehen tähdistön kohteita, Auriga
Harsosumu, supernovajäännös Joutsenessa, Veil Nebula SNR
Sirppisumu, NGC 6888, Joutsenessa, the Crescent Nebula
Galakseja, Galaxy images
Kirjan hinta on 475€ sisältäen verot ja postikulut.
Yhteydenotot sähköpostitse osoitteeseen
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
IC 410 in Auriga, the scale in a sky
I made this zoom in series to show the actual size of this object in the sky.
I have placed a white circle, at lover Left corners, in the image series below. It shows the angular size of the full Moon in the sky. Moon has an apparent diameter ~30 arc minutes, that's equal to 0,5 degrees.
Zooming into Auriga
sorry about large image, please, bear with me
sorry about large image, please, bear with me
Click for a large image. NOTE. a large image, 1024 x 3800 pixels and 4,5MB
Original images used for the zoom in series, with technical data, from top to bottom
- At top, a 12 panel mosaic of Auriga:
- An eight panel mosaic of IC 405 and 410, cropped from large mosaic above
- A four panel mosaic of IC 405 and 410:
- One panel image of IC 405 and 410:
- A cropped closeup from image above
- A closeup with a longer, 2000mm, focal length:
research and development
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