All the material on this website is copyrighted to J-P Metsavainio, if not otherwise stated. Any content on this website may not be reproduced without the author’s permission.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
M17, the "Omega nebula", reprocessed
Since my processing technique gets better and the time of year doesn't give any support, I have reprocessed some older images. There is now star colors added and other processing is tweaked too.
"Omega Nebula", M17, in Sagittarius
Ra 18h 20m 26s Dec -16° 10′ 36″
Image is in HST-palette from the emission of ionized elements, R=Sulfur, G=Hydrogen and B=Oxygen
M17, imaged with the Northern Galactic members remote telescope in Australia.
M17, imaged with the Northern Galactic members remote telescope in Australia.
The Omega Nebula, also known as the Swan Nebula or the Horseshoe Nebula, cataloged as Messier 17 and NGC 6618. This H-II region loactes in constellation Sagittarius. Distance from Earth is between 5000-6000 light years and it spans about 15 light years in diameter. Image area is 30'x30', about half a degree.
Open cluster of 35 hot young stars lies inside of the nebula and causes ionization glow of the elements.
Natural color composition from the emission of ionized elements, R=80%Hydrogen+20%Sulfur, G=100%Oxygen and B=85%Oxygen+15%Hydrogen to compensate otherwise missing H-beta emission.
This composition is very close to a visual spectrum.
Original processing and details:
My 3D-studies of the object:
My 3D-studies of the object:
The telescope and technical information:
16" RCOS ja Apogee U9000 camera.
LRGB combo.
H-alpha 6x1200s, Dark and Flat calibrated.
O-III 1x1200s, Dark calibrated
S-II 2x1200s, Dark calibrated
Raw data is shared with Petri Kehusmaa and J-P Metsavainio
Processing workflow:
Image acquisition, MaxiDL
Stacked and calibrated in CCDStack.
Deconvolution with a CCDSharp, 30 iterations
Levels, curves and color combine in PS CS3.
Seeing was not good at the time of imaging, FWHM 5"
Narrowband color images,
Monday, July 11, 2011
IC 1396, the scale in a sky, zoom in series in HST-palette
I have shot many targets with several focal lengths.
Due that, I will publish some of my material as an image sets, with different field of view and detail levels.
The fractal nature of our universe stands out nicely by this way and it will make the orientation more easy.
Many times, it's difficult to understand the image scale of astronomical images.
Due that, I will add a Moon circle in some of the images to show the angular scale in a sky.
The full Moon has an angular size of ~30 arc minutes, that's equal to ~0,5 degrees.
IC1396 and the "Elephant's Trunk Nebula"
In constellation Cepheus
Images are HST-palette compositions from emission of ionized elements, R=Sulfur, G=Hydrogen and B=Oxygen.
Narrowband data was used for Star colors.
Scale study of IC1396 in natural colors can be found here:
Scale study of IC1396 in natural colors can be found here:
NOTE. The size of the full Moon (0,5 degrees) is marked as scale.
Images used in the series above from top to bottom
- A wide field mosaic of IC1396 and Sharpless 129, Sh2-129, at Left. Image is taken with a Canon FD200mm f2.8 camera lens.
- A IC1396 part of the mosaic, Canon FD 200mm f2.8.
- Target imaged with a Tokina AT-X 300mm f2.8 camera lens.
- A close up of the "Elephant's Trunk Nebula" iumaged with a Meade LX200 GPS 12" telescope, focal lenght ~2000mm.
Links to an original images used in series from to to bottom
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Sharpless 157, Sh2-157, apparent scale in the sky
I have shot many targets with several focal lengths.
Due that, I will publish some images as an image sets, with different field of view and detail levels.
The fractal nature of our universe stands out nicely by this way and it will make the orientation more easy.
Many times, it's difficult to understand the image scale of astronomical images.
Due that, I will add a Moon circle in some of the images to show the angular scale in a sky.
The full Moon has an angular size of ~30 arc minutes, that's equal to ~0,5 degrees.
Sharpless 157
In constellation Cassiopeia
Note. Size of the full Moon is marked as a gray circle, at upper Right corner, for a scale.
Other targets in images above
The "Bubble Nebula" can be seen in upper Left corners.
The "Wizard Nebula" locates at utmost Right at the top panorama stripe.
There are two individual images used to make this image series
- Sharpless 157,
- Wizard Nebula,
Narrowband color images,
Monday, June 13, 2011
Butterfly to Crescent nebula panorama as a stereoscopic 3D pair.
Parallel vision 3D
Original 2D:
Other 3D-formats:
NOTE! This is a personal vision about forms and shapes, based on some known facts and an artistic impression.
stereo images
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