All the material on this website is copyrighted to J-P Metsavainio, if not otherwise stated. Any content on this website may not be reproduced without the author’s permission.

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Sunday, February 1, 2009

The heart & Soul Nebula as an Stereo Pair.

Ones again, I turned this image of "Heart & Soul" Nebula to a Stereo pair format by adding some volume. The result is more or less an educational guess about real 3D appearance of this formation. - Two versions, first for Parallel Vision , and the second for Cross Vision method.
I made this stereo pair to show the "real" nature of this target. The gas and stars are floating in three dimensional space forming three dimensional forms, rather than being a 2D painting on the canvas.
The "Soul" part of the Nebula (Left) seems to be closer to us
by some sources, some other sources states, that it has a same distance as
the "heart" (Right).
In this Stereo precentation the previous option is realized.
The original image and the imaging information can be found here:
Viewing instructions, please, look for the Right hand side menu.

Saturday, January 31, 2009



Astronomy Picture of the Day


My "Sh2-240" Supernova Remnant image was selected as an "Astronomy Picture of the Day" by the NASA. You can see the NASA page here:


This was my second APOD, previous one can be seen here:

Friday, January 30, 2009

1. Universe Today, article

Yesterday the Universe Today publification
use one of my stereo image, "Rosette Nebula", in they article.
The name of the article is "a rose by any other name... would look twice as sweet!"

The image they used in the article
The story is written by the Tammy Plotner, an impressive Lady,

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Sh2-240, Supernova remnant as a Stereo Pair

Two versions, first for the Parallel Vision method and the second
for the Cross Vision method.
Viewing istructions, please, look for thr Right hand side menu.
Original image and imaging data cna be found here: