All the material on this website is copyrighted to J-P Metsavainio, if not otherwise stated. Any content on this website may not be reproduced without the author’s permission.

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Sunday, January 25, 2009

IC443, a start of the new project

False color Hydrogen alpha H-a
H-a, stars are supressed to show the nebulosity.
IC443 is a supernova remnant in Gemini.
Last night I installed a Tokina 300mm AT f2.8 lens front of the QHY9 astro camera.
This combination gives me resolution of 3,5 "/pixel, witch mean practically seeing limited
details. The fiels of view is about 207' x 157'.
At the time I was able to shot this target it was low in the sky, about
30 degrees, that and very bad transparency and seeing cut down the sharpness a lot.
I will shot more Ha-light when weather allows and I'm going to
add O-III and S-II data as well to create a narrowband composition.
Imaging details:
Optics, Tokina 300mm AT f2.8 @ 2.8
Camera, QHY9 astro camera Guiding, QHY5 and PHD-Guiding on LX200 GPS 12" Exposures, 8x600s +darks, bias and flats Filter, Baader 7nm H-alpha

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Rosette Nebula as a Stereo pair.

I turned this image of Rosette Nebula to a Stereo pair format by
adding some volume.
The result is more or less an educational guess about real 3D appearance of this formation.
Two versions, first for Parallel Vision , and the second for Cross Vision method.
The original image and the image information can be found here:
Viewing instructions, please, look for the Right hand side menu.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Sh2-240, more lights

This is a second version of Sh-240 this year.
I added more H-a light. Now image is smooth and signal / noise is
improved. I might shoot more lights for this later in this spring.
Two versions, first in Hubble palette and secon in "natural" color narrowband composoite.
Exposures so far are:
H-alpha, 12x600s + 24x300s(binned 2x2) + 12x600s = 6h
S-II, 5x600s (binned 2x2)
O-III, 14x300s (binned 3x3)
Optics: Canon 200mm EF f1.8 @ f1.8 Camera: QHY9 @ -50 C Guiding: Lx200 GPS 12" + LQHY5 and PHD-Guiding - The information in O-III channel is extremely weak. I used a special technique of mine to dig it out for color information. This image serie shows how weak the O-III realy is.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Sh2-240, a Supernova remnant. (Simeis 147)

I have never seen this object in HST narrowband colors.
After strucling with this last night, I don't wonder why.
This is a extremely difficult objekt it has a super low surface brightness and
it's huge!
This is a supernova remant in Taurus & Auriga it has the angular diameter of 200'x180'. Thats about 8 full Moon!
There was very litle data on O-III channel.
With extreme stretching and by using the method I have developed for narrowband work, some O-III glow can be clearly be seen deep down in data.
Total exposure time was relatively short doe the very fasr f1.8 optics.
-H-alpha 12x600s binned 1x1+ 24x300s binned 2x2, total 4h
-S-II 5x600s binned 2x2
-O-III 14x300s binned 3x3
Canon 200mm EF f1.8 @ f1.8
QHY9 @ -50 C
Lx200 GPS 12" + LQHY5 and PHD-Guiding
The information in O-III channel is extremely weak.
I used a special technique of mine to dig it out for color information.
This image serie shows how weak the O-III realy is.
Here is a Starless version to better show the nebulosity.
I keep coming back to this fascinating object, there is something mysterious
about its appearance and the fact, that it's difficult to shoot makes it even more interesting.
Here is some elaier tryouts with Sh2-240: