All the material on this website is copyrighted to J-P Metsavainio, if not otherwise stated. Any content on this website may not be reproduced without the author’s permission.

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Thursday, November 20, 2008

Hs2-142 & 157 as a Stereo Pair.

First, "Parallel Vision" and second "Cross Vision" version.
Viewing instructions at Right hand side menu.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Sh2-157 as a Stereo Pair

Here we go again, two versions, first for Parallel Vision and
second for Cross Vision method.
Istructions, please, look for the Right hand side menu.
Image info in the original Sh2-157 post.

From Sharpless Catalog, Sh2-142

Last night, after long cloudy period, there was three hours opening
in the clouds, so I continued the Sharpless catalog object hunting.
I managed to shot H-alpha channel for Sh2-142 object, seen
in midle of image, hence B&W version.
I'll shoot S-II and O-III channels, when weather up here allows.
I made a small mosaic with the previous targets H-alpha
channel to show Sh2-142 and Sh2-157 relative positions to each other.
(Scroll down for Sh2-1157 imaging data)
More info, about Sh2-142, can be found here:
Imaging data:
Camera, QHY8
- Filters, Baader 7nm H-alpha,
- Optics, Tokina AT-X 300mm @ f2.8
- Exposures, 5X 1200s H-alpha, + flats and bias - Guiding, LX200 GPS 12" + PHD-guiding and QHY5

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Stero Image Pair Action

New version is under construction, might take a while though...


-Generates two, Parallel and the Cross Vision, versions
- Better star size handling
- Some minor improvements
Here is the first version of stereo image Action.
Primary usage is for Nebulae.
Please, let me know if it's working. This is originally made for PS CS3, but it might work with older version as well. - This Action generates a Parallel View version of Stereo Image. If you need the Cross Vision version, just flip the images in the opposite order, Left image to Right and Right image to Left.
This action generates a temporary image in
the C: root named "Starless copy.psd"
You might want to delete it manually later.
This action has to be placed in the same folder with previous "StarRemove1"
action, to make it work right!
If some problems occurt, you might like look help from
CloudyNights group, here:
There has been lots of work to develop this kind of technic. If you feel, you like to support my work, please, use a donate Button in the Right hand side Menu. Thank You!