All the material on this website is copyrighted to J-P Metsavainio, if not otherwise stated. Any content on this website may not be reproduced without the author’s permission.

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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The year 2014 of Astro Anarchy Observatory, happy new year 2015 to all!

The Great Wall of Cygnus 2014

Astro Anarchy Observatory, the year 2014

At the Spring season of 2014 my old Meade LX200 12" telescope gave up and died. I spent a whole summer season trying to find a way to finance a new setup.

I had lots of troubles, especially with the Meade company. First they contacted me and offered a brand new 14" LX850 for free. Then, after a couple of months, they cancelled everything without a reason. Meade really pissed me off big time, somebody might call it to a fraud! The false promises from Meade side cost me a lots of money, time and energy.

After all the troubles everything went well. I got great supporters from high end manufacturers and retailers. The new setup was up and running at mid October 2014.

All of my photos from the Autumn season 2014
Click for a much large image

All my photos from the Autumn season 2014 are taken with my new imaging setup. Celestron Edge HD 1100 with 0.7 reducer at 10-micron mount. Apogee Alta U16 camera with Astrodon filters and an active optics unit, SXV AO LF, from Starlight Xpress.
Photos from upper left to lower right, Soul Nebula, Tulip nebula, Cygnus Wall, Cederblad 214, Sharpless 132, NGC 281, Propeller Nebula, Sharpless 115 and the Pelican Nebula.

All of my photos from the Spring season 2014
Click for a large image

All images are taken with the Canon EF 200mm f1.8 lens, QHY9 astrocam and Baader narrowband filters by using a Meade LX200 GPS 12" as an imaging platform. After the last image of the Spring season, the ten panel mosaic of Cepheus at middle, the old Meade fried permanently.
Photos from upper left to bottom, Sharpless 221, G65.3+5.7 SNR, Cepheus mosaic and a mosaic image of Sharpless 221 SNR and 216 PL.

Some highlights of the year 2014 

  • Supporters, my humble thanks to the supporters, they made my work possible once again!

    All companies are offering the first class products and service!

This setup was possible due to great support!
The new imaging system. Some image quality analysis can be seen HERE

Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2014, Royal Observatory of Greenwich, third place.
Over 2500 images from 51 countries participated.

  • I also got one NASA APOD published (Astronomy Picture Of the Day) at November 15, the Tulip nebula.

NASA publication, Sh2-101, the Tulip Nebula

  • Suomen Kuvalehti wrote a large article at the last issue of the year 2014 about my photographing, eleven pages total. (SK 51-52 19.12.2014, pages 1 and 42-51)

California Nebula as an experimental 3D-model
In constellation Perseus

This is a looped video, click to start and stop. This is an experimental test with a 3D-conversion of my astronomical images. Only real elements from my original image are used, there is nothing added but the volumetric information!

  • I was invited as one of the speakers at the NEAIC conferenceNew York, Spring 2014. 

  • Two large public artworks from my photos get revealed at 2014. A very large, over 10 x 3m, photographic print on aluminium "Cirrus of Cygnus" and the "Path of Swans", 4 x 2m, on aluminium. Beside public works, many of my photos ended up to a private homes.
Path of Swans, 4x2m

Cirrus of Cygnus 10x3m, the large mosaic image is a very sharp even in this scale.

  • I participated to two art exhibitions with my astronomical photos, one in Helsinki and an other here in Oulu. 
3D-exhibition in Helsinki, large anaglyph photos, paintings and a movie.

Sale exhibition in Oulu

  • One of the most interesting tasks at 2014 was a cooperation with the vocal ensemble Cappella pro Vocale. This cross art production was a mixture of an old vocal music and the astronomical images. The production  took place at the church of  St Thomas. My photos get  projected with three powerful projectors on walls and sealing and everything was matched with the music carefully.  
Projected images in church of St Thomas, image copyright Tuula Jurvelin

Image copyright Antti Nevalainen

Image copyright Jaakko Nurro

Image copyright Jaakko Nurro


simmo said...

What a lovely update JP, congrats on a successful 2014 and going for a smooth 2015


J-P Metsavainio said...

Thanks Simon!

Very happy new year 2015 and clear skies to you too!