All the material on this website is copyrighted to J-P Metsavainio, if not otherwise stated. Any content on this website may not be reproduced without the author’s permission.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
All my images from a Autumn season 2009
I made a Slide Show about all my Autumn 2009 Astro Images. Not too many of them due the weather problems up here 65N.
Astronomical Videos,
Slide Show
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
An anaglyph Still Motion collection
You'll need Red/Cyan Eyeglasses to be able to see images right. Note, if you have a Red and Green filters, you can use them! Red goes to Left eye.
anaglyph images and movies
Anaglyph Still Motion movies
You'll need Red/Cyan Eyeglasses to be able to see images right. Note, if you have a Red and Green filters, you can use them! Red goes to Left eye.
This was an interesting test. I tested how 3D-anaglyph images might work as a Still Motion movie files.
'They simply work! This will give a new life to 3D-images, it'll kind of adds a "fourth dimension" to images.
I used a Sony Vegas evaluation version to add the Zoom & Pan feature to still images.
How ever, there was a problem with video conversion in YouTube. For some reason it courses chosting in the movie. Original version has no chosting effect at all.
Other samples:
Full Moon.
Butterfly Nebula.
IC 1396.
anaglyph images and movies
Zoom in movie test.
Bubble Nebula Zoom in movie.
Klick HERE to see this animation in YouTube, please, klick a HD-symbol in lower Right corner to see it in HD-format.
Heart & Soul Nebulae, zooming to a Soul detail.
Zoomed image is a composition of a wide field image of H&S and a high resolution detail image of a Soul Nebula.
Klick HERE to see this animation in YouTube, please, klick a HD-symbol in lower Right corner to see it in HD-format.
I tested an evaluation version of Sony Vegas video editor to create this effect.
Windows movie maker is a free option to do this, but effects are not parametric, so there is not enough user control for a good result.
This is a good way to show actual resolution of a picture, there is not much point to publish full resolution version of an image due the huge size.
Original images with details can be found here:
Bubble Nebula:
Heart & Soul Nebulae:
Soul Nebula detail:
Astronomical Videos
Sunday, December 27, 2009
3D-conversion testing
Here is some tests, that I found interesting.
I have done lots of stereo pair and anaglyph Red/Cyan conversions from my 2D-astro images.
This time I have animated those three stereo image types to a 3D-animations.
First the 2D-animation of the Soul Nebula.
Klick HERE to see this animation in YouTube, please, klick a HD-symbol in lower Right corner to see it in HD-format.
Secondly a 3D-animation in Parallel vision and Cross vision formats
A Parallel vision movie
Klick HERE to see this in YouTube, please, klick a HD-symbol to see this in HD-format
A Cross vision movie.
Klick HERE to see this in YouTube, please, klick a HD-symbol to see this in HD-format.
A third version is in Anaglyph format. Red/Cyan eyeglasses are needed to see the movie right.
Note you can use a Red and Green filters instead to see video! Red goes to Left eye.
Klick HERE to see this in YouTube, please, klick a HD-symbol to see this in HD-format.
The original 2D-image with imaging details can be seen HERE.
NOTE! This is a personal vision about forms and shapes, based on some known facts and artistic impression.
research and development
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Happy Saturnalia to all!
Happy Saturnalia to all of you!
Ok, it's a Christmas time, but Saturnalia was there first.

This image get published in UNIVERSE TODAY.
Many thanks to Tammy Plotner and merry Christmas!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
An Anaglyph animation test
I made this funny 3D-video from a Veil Nebula. It shows how it might be formed from a Supernova explosion. Movie is very short though.
You'll need Red/Cyan Eyeglasses to be able to see the movie right.
Note, if you have a Red and Green filters, you can use them! Red goes to Left eye.
Original 2D-image can be found HERE.
A Stereo pair version can be found HERE.
anaglyph images and movies
Saturday, December 19, 2009
NGC 281, the "Pac-Man nebula" as a stereo pair

NOTE! This is a personal vision about forms and shapes, based on some known facts and artistic impression. Viewing instructions can be found from a Right hand side menu.
Here you can find an Anaglyph, Red/Cyan, Stereo image.
You'll need Red/Cyan Eyeglasses to be able to see images right. Note, if you have a Red and Green filters, you can use them! Red goes to Left eye.
anaglyph images and movies,
stereo images
Friday, December 18, 2009
NGC 281, the "Pac-Man Nebula"

This image has coused a lots of trouble to me. At one point I was thinking what's the point of doing this!
Let's face it, my equipments are a big pile of crap. Everything is faling a parts and I'm spending more time to fixing things than actually imaging.
It's not a picnic to spend two hours outside and soldering when it's very windy and temperature drops to -26 celsius. (-15F). I really need better instruments if I'm going to continue this "hobby" (read addiction) now everything is put to gether from self made solutions and cheapest possible parts.
Ok, here is a image after all, not a perfect one though. I started this project at the end of the last month and I collected last photons 16.12. I collected 42 x 1200s of H-alpha light, that's a 14 hours.
Due the technical problems I was able to use only 6 x 1200s, Two hours, of them!
Images are in my Portfolio with less compression, Please, have a look HERE.
Processing work flow:
Image acquisition, MaxiDL v5.07.
Stacked and calibrated in CCDStack.
Deconvolution with a CCDSharp, 30 iterations.
Levels, curves and color combine in PS CS3.
Telescope, Meade LX200 GPS 12" @ f4.65
Camera, QHY9
Guiding, SXV-AO @ 11Hz
Image Scale, 0,8 arcseconds/pixel
H-alpha 6x1200s Binned 1x1
O-III 3x600s, binned 3x3
S-II 4x1200s, binned 1x31
Saturday, December 12, 2009
A new version of the Veil animation.
Original video can be downloaded from HERE
This video is done by splitting the original 2D-image to a layers by type under a PS. Layers are then projected to a real 3D-sufaces in a 3D-modeling SW, in this case the TrueSpace.
The resulting 3D-model is the animated to a movie file.
NOTE! This is a personal vision about forms and shapes, based on some known facts and artistic impression. The original 2D-image can be found HERE
Stereo animation of birth of the Veil Nebula,
In this vsualization a massive Star ends its life to a explosion, known as a Supernova!
An older, no HD, version of the Animation can be found HERE
Astronomical Videos
Friday, December 11, 2009
Closeup of the Soul Nebula, a monthly winner

The Soul nebula was selected as a Monthly winner in imaging competition at MyAstroimages site.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
A new version of Anaglyph Veil Nebula

You'll need Red/Cyan Eyeglasses to be able to see images right. Note, if you have a Red and Green filters, you can use them! Red goes to Left eye.
NOTE! This is a personal vision about forms and shapes, based on some known facts and artistic impression.
I made this new version with a colors. Looks like the narrowband color scheme is very suitable for Red/cyan Anaglyph format, since Red color can't be seen that way and images are Grayscale ones with dominating Red.
Original 2D-image with details can be found here:

Klick the image to see original one.
anaglyph images and movies
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Astro anarchy gets published

The finnish "Tähdet ja Avaruus" (Stars and Space) magazine pulished a large panoramic image of my high resolution, NGC 6888, the Crescent Nebula image.
Image is in HST-palette.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
North America & Pelican Nebula as a stereogram

NOTE! This is a personal vision about forms and shapes, based on some known facts and artistic impression. Wieving instructions can be found from a Right hand side menu.

Here you can find an Anaglyph, Red/Cyan, Stereo image.
You'll need Red/Cyan Eyeglasses to be able to see images right. Note, if you have a Red and Green filters, you can use them! Red goes to Left eye.
anaglyph images and movies,
stereo images
Saturday, December 5, 2009
NGC 7000 & IC 5070, The North America & Pelican Nebulae

I found this older image from my HD, this was my very first narrowband color image!
The original post from September 2008 can be found HERE.
I noticed, that I haven't done a Natural color version from the data, so here it is.
Technical details with the original post.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Astro Anarchy gets published
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