All the material on this website is copyrighted to J-P Metsavainio, if not otherwise stated. Any content on this website may not be reproduced without the author’s permission.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
IC1396 as aStereo Pair

stereo images
Butterfly Nebula as a Stereo Pair

stereo images
Monday, March 30, 2009
M45 as a Stereo Pair

I found this oldish image of Reflection Nebula M45 and turned it to Spatial format.
I have imaged this one at 2007 with SW 80ED scope.
2h with QHY8 and a IDAS-lp filter.
stereo images
Sunday, March 29, 2009
The good old Moon as a Stereo Pair

real stereo pair. There is two ways to do it. First you take two pictures from other sides of earth
at the same time and there will be some minor parallax.
Secondly the libration of the Moon can be used for that, you just have to wait a longish time to
have a same phase of the Moon but with differen libration amount.
In fact, several stereo Moon images has be done by this way.
In above image, there is same method used, as with my DS images, to
create a pseudo parallax between images.
I shot this Full Moon image at 2005, more moon images from me can be seen here:
stereo images
IC1805 core as a Stereo Pair.

I shot the original 2D-image at January 2008.
Image can be seen in this post:
Wider view shows the whole nebulosity complex.
This object can be seen in a Right at very center of the Heart shaped Nebula.
stereo images
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Sh2-223, 224 and 225

- -
This was the moust difficult target.
The image spans about five degrees horizontaly, there is two
old Supernova remnants in the same field of view!
Extremely low surfage brightness and large angular size makes
this trio from the Sharpless catalog a very challenging to shoot.
There is a very dense Star field. Note. the "noise" in the image is
not a noise but Stars!
I think, this is more difficult than a SH2-240.
It can be seen in my older post, here:
I spend three nights for H-alpha and here is the result.
I think, this must be the firs NB color composition from this target?
Least I wasn't able to find any.
Total exposure time for H-alpha channe is 11h.
Taken with very fast optical configuration @ f1.8.
-Camera, QHY9
- Optics, Canon EF 200mm f1.8 @ 1.8
- Guiding, QHY5 and PHD-guiding
- Platform, LX200 GPS 12"
- Exposures, 7x1200s with 7nm H-alpha filter and 13x2400s, 5x300s O-III Binned 4x4 and 5x300s. S-IIBinned 4x4 . Darks, Flats and Bias frames calibrated.
Total exposure time for H-alpha line is 11h!
Friday, March 27, 2009

here is my previous image of the same galaxy, taken with a longer FL instrument.
Canon 200mm f1.8 images,
galaxy images
Leo Trio
Not a bad resolution for a 200mm lens.
A Blink animation to show just Galxies.
I shot this one 23.03 for optical configuration calibration purposes.
The 200mm les is not a right tool for tiny glaxies, this is a sharp one though.
Image turned to be kind of nice, so I post it here.

(Klick the image to see it.)
If could see this area from outside of our home Galaxy, it'll looks like a Starless one.
All the faint dots in the supressed image, are the other Galaxies!
-Camera, QHY9
- Optics, Canon EF 200mm f1.8 @ 1.8
- Guiding, QHY5 and PHD-guiding
- Platform, LX200 GPS 12"
- Exposures, 17x150s with IDAS-LP filter,
Darks, Flats and Bias frames calibrated.
Canon 200mm f1.8 images,
galaxy images
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Sh2-129 in HST palette

I imaged H-alpha for this at night of 24.03.
It can be seen here:
Last night I managed to shot S-II and O-III channels. The signal is extremely weak, but real.
I have never seen this target in HST palette and there is generally very few images of Sh2-129.
This is a large nebula, the field of view is about five degrees wide in the image.
-Camera, QHY9 - Optics, Canon EF 200mm f1.8 @ 1.8 - Guiding, QHY5 and PHD-guiding - Platform, LX200 GPS 12" - Exposures, 7x1200s with 7nm H-alpha filter, 5x300s O-III Binned 4x4 and 5x300s S-IIBinned 4x4 . Darks, Flats and Bias frames calibrated.
Canon 200mm f1.8 images,
Hs2-129 in HST-palette in a Stereo Pair

- There is very litle information about this object. This Stereo Pair shows how I see its forms. - Viewing istructions, please, look for Right hand side menu.
stereo images
Sh2-223 & 224

Two, exteremely dim, Supernova remnants in same five degrees field of view.
This target locates in Auriga.
Two hours H-alpha light for this target is way too litle.
There is some very very faint S-II component and maybe a hint of O-III.

-Camera, QHY9
- Optics, Canon EF 200mm f1.8 @ 1.8
- Guiding, QHY5 and PHD-guiding
- Platform, LX200 GPS 12"
- Exposures, 7x1200s with 7nm H-alpha filter, 5x300s O-III Binned 4x4 and 5x300s
S-IIBinned 4x4 .
Darks, Flats and Bias frames calibrated.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Sh2-129, the Supernova Remnant

False color h-alpha
Sh2-129 is loacated in Cepheus, next to IC1396.
The field of view is about five degrees wide.
At this time of year it's in Northern sky but can be imaged doe my high
latitude location (65N).
It's a dim Supernova Remnant and there is not too many images about it.
I haven't seen any HST-palette versions of it.
If weather allows, I'll shoot O-III and S-II channels to see if there is any signal.
This is first image after I fixed the orthogonality problem with my optical configuration.
Now the whole area is flat and stars are pin points from edge to edge.
-Camera, QHY9
- Optics, Canon EF 200mm f1.8 @ 1.8
- Guiding, QHY5 and PHD-guiding
- Platform, LX200 GPS 12"
- Exposures, 5x1200s with 7nm H-alpha filter from Baader,
Darks, Flats and Bias frames calibrated.
There is couple of dark nebulae in lower and upper part of the image.
Sh2-129, as a Stereo Pair

Viewing instructions can be found from a Right hand side menu.
stereo images
Astro Anarchy in National TV
Yesterday TV2 presented my work in areal news of National TV.
There is a story in the "YLE" newsroom as well.
You can read the story here, it's in Finnish though.
TV program can be seen here:
The Astro story is in last 2,5 minutes.
It's in finnish as well, but there is many images and an animation.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
An undesignated Planetary Nebula in NGC1499 image?

I have left a report to IAU about this possible undesignated Planetary Nebula.
I spotted this Nebula candidate from my image of NGC1499, the California Nebula,
at 25.02.2009.
The original post can be seen here:
Many thanks to Keith B Quattrocchi to help me out with this.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
7. Universe Today article
Image credits, Hubble Heritage Team.
- You can read the article from here:

Parallel Vision

Cross Vision
stereo images
M31- as a Stereo Pair

stereo images
NGC4565 as aStereo Pair

stereo images
Monday, March 9, 2009
IC443, Reprocessed

I did this one again.
Previous version(s) and details here:
Narrowband color images,
Saturday, March 7, 2009
2009 Imaging Competition JANUARY WINNER
My two panel mosaic image of Rosette and Cone Nebula is a January winner
in Northern Galactic, an international astronomy community for professional and advanced astronomers, scientists, astrophotographers and science writers.
The image is now in the running for the 2009 Grand Prize.
Here is the image:
Details and more versions here:
Friday, March 6, 2009
The California Nebula, NGC1499
At night of 25.02.2009 I shot more lights for NGC1499, the California Nebula,
to see how deep I'm able to go.
Original narrowband color image can be seen here:
I borrowed O-III and S-II cahnnels from there and added them to new H-a channel to
boost it with, otherwise missing, wavelenghts.
After that I used this O-III and S-II boosted H-a image as a new luminance over the the
Original data can be found behind the link, new data is:
13x600s8, Binned down 2x2 + 4x1200s, Binned 1x1 with Canon EF 200mm @f1.8.

I haven't been able to find any information about this formation.
It looks to me like an old Planetary Nebula?
If you have any information about this, please, leave a message.
I add here a small animation about processing steps of the O-III channel.
Information in this channel is very dim and a special threadment is needed to reveal it.
In attached GIF-animation normally stretched O-III image is not showing any obivious shades.
When stars are removed image can be stretched very differently, since I don't have to
care about bloating stars.
(In narrowband imaging Stars, as they are broadband targets and contanes no relevant information, can be removed.)
In a final stage of processing all stras are returned, with a special tecnique, with no data lost.
The animation is a gropped from midle of the O-III image.

Klick to image to see an animation, note. large size, 3.2MB.

NGC1499 in HST-palette without Stars to better show the actual nebulosity.

NGC1499 H-alpha light without Stars.
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