All the material on this website is copyrighted to J-P Metsavainio, if not otherwise stated. Any content on this website may not be reproduced without the author’s permission.

Have a visit in my portfolio

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

IC 4603, at the core of the colorful Scorpion

This is a third image produced as a collaboration with me and Eric Recurt. The data is shot from his observatory at Tenerife. The Observatory locates at 2400 m altitude and at 28 degrees North. The site has excellent seeing conditions, 0.8 " on average and can be below 0.3 "  

IC 4603, the core region of the Rho Ophiuchi complex in the constellation Scorpion 
Click for a full size image

This is a broadband LRGB natural color image of the IC 4603 from a remote observatory in Tenerife.

Full scale closeups
Click for a full size image

Technical details

Processing workflow

Deconvolution with a CCDStack2 Positive Constraint, 27 iterations, added at 33% weight
Color combine in PS CS3
Levels and curves in PS CS3.

Imaging optics
 340mm F3.3 astrograph


Cameras and filters
FLI PL 16803

Exposure times
Luminance, 10 x 300s 
Red = 10 x 180s
Green = 9 x 180s
Blue = 8 x 180s
Total 2h 11min

Sunday, September 6, 2015

"Howling Wolf" Nebula, vdB 149, vdB 150, LDN 1235 and PGG 67671

The second photo published from the Deep Sky West observatory. Lights are taken under a very dark skie. Unlike in my current light polluted location, it's now possible to image broadband targets, galaxies, reflection nebulae and dark nebulae! HERE is some more info about the Deep sky West Observatory.

I gave the nickname "Howling Wolf" after I saw the photo first time in my monitor. At the end of this blog post, there is an explanation for the nickname.

VdB 149 and companions in the constellation Cepheus
Click for a large image

Beautiful collection of dark and reflection nebulae in Cepheus including a galaxy. This is a broadband LRGB image in natural colors.

Full resolution details from the image above

LDN 1235

vdB 150

vdB 149

vdB 149 and some interesting shapes in the dust cloud
Click for a large photo

PGG 67671

An experimental starless version
Click for a large photo

A starless version to show better the actual dust cloud

Howling Wolf

This is how I see the photo in my head.

An animated GIF, stars vs starless
Click for a large image

Technical details

Processing workflow

Stacked and calibrated in CCDStack2.
Deconvolution with a CCDStack2 Positive Constraint, 27 iterations, added at 33% weight
Color combine in PS CS3
Levels and curves in PS CS3.

Imaging optics
 Takahashi FSQ-106EDXIII

 Astro-Physics Mach1AP GTO with GTOCP3

Cameras and filters

Astrodon Luminance Tru-Balance E-Series Gen
Astrodon Red Tru-Balance E-Series Gen 2
Astrodon Green Tru-Balance E-Series Gen 2
Astrodon Blue Tru-Balance E-Series Gen 2

Exposure times
Luminance, 32 x 900s = 8h
Red = 13 x 900s = 3.25h
Green = 12 x 900s = 3h
Blue = 5 x 900s = 1.25h
Total 15.5h

Friday, September 4, 2015

Half a million stars and Messier 7

This is a second image produced as a collaboration with me and Eric Recurt. The data is shot from his observatory at Tenerife. The Observatory locates at 2400 m altitude and at 28 degrees North. The site has excellent seeing conditions, 0.8 " on average and can be below 0.3 "  

Messier 7, "My God, it's full of stars!
Be sure to click for a full size image! (Quote, 2001: A Space Odyssey)

Image shows the dense starfiel of Milkyway. Bright star cluster at lower middle is called Messier 7.
Just right from the Messier 7 locates a dark nebula B 287. In this image is visible about 500.000 stars of our Milky Way. 
Click the photo to see all of them! (2100x2100 pixels)

A closeup of Messier 7
Click for a large image

Planetary nebula PN Hf2-1 
Click for a large image

Planetary Nebula PN Hf2-1 is a blue dot at middle of the image area.


Messier 7 (M7, NGC 6475) is an open cluster of stars in the constellation Scorpius. This is the southernmost object in Messier's catalog.  Distance from the Earth is about 900 light years and it has a radius of 25 light years. Estimated age is around 200 million years.

Technical details

Processing workflow

Deconvolution with a CCDStack2 Positive Constraint, 27 iterations, added at 33% weight
Color combine in PS CS3
Levels and curves in PS CS3.

Imaging optics
 340mm F3.3 astrograph


Cameras and filters
FLI PL 16803

Exposure times
Luminance, 11 x 300s = 55min
Red = 6 x 180s = 18min
Green = 6 x 180s = 18min
Blue = 6 x 180s = 18min
Total 1h 49min

Rosette Nebula from a professional observatory in Tenerife

This is my second remote image this year but with different partner. I get contacted by Eric Recurt and we started a cooperation between us. The imaging season, up here 65N, hasn't started yet. This is a great way to produce high quality photos during my mandatory summer pause.


The Observatory locates at 2400 m altitude and at 28 degrees North. The site has excellent seeing condition usually below 1" year , 0.8 " on average to be exact and can be below 0.3 "  


The instrument is a 340mm F3.3 astrograph with FLi Pro 16803 + Centerline 10 position filter wheel on a DDM 85 mount .

The first published photo from Teneriffe, 
NGC 2244, the Rosette Nebula
Click for a large image

This is a broadband LRGB image of the Rosette Nebula from a remote observatory in Tenerife.

A closeup
Click for a large image

Technical details

Processing workflow

Deconvolution with a CCDStack2 Positive Constraint, 27 iterations, added at 33% weight
Color combine in PS CS3
Levels and curves in PS CS3.

Imaging optics
 340mm F3.3 astrograph


Cameras and filters
FLI PL 16803

Exposure times
Luminance, 10 x 600s = 1h 40min
Red = 5 x 300s = 25min
Green = 5 x 300s = 25min
Blue = 5 x 300s = 25min
Total 2h 55min

An experimental starless version as an animation