All the material on this website is copyrighted to J-P Metsavainio, if not otherwise stated. Any content on this website may not be reproduced without the author’s permission.


Monday, January 4, 2010

Cloudynights forum October 2009 winner

This post is somehow late, since I noticed this just now.

Original image and technical details can be found HERE.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Three new Zoomout Movies

Tulip Nebula Zoomout.
Two images was used to make this, a wide field and a high resolution image, details are with images.
Klick HERE to see this in YouTube, please, klick a HD-symbol to see this in HD-format.

Two images was used to make this, a wide field and a high resolution image, details are with images.
Klick HERE to see this in YouTube, please, klick a HD-symbol to see this in HD-format.

This technique gives a new life to an old Moon image as well!
Klick HERE to see this in YouTube, please, klick a HD-symbol to see this in HD-format.

I have found out, that with this tech. I can combine a high resolution details to a wide field experience.
Seeing the "big picture" helps the orientation and shows the context.

Heart Nebula Zoomout

I made a Zoomout video from a Heart Nebula as well.
Klick HERE to see this in YouTube, please, klick a HD-symbol to see this in HD-format.
Movie is made by stitching together a wide field image and a detail image from a same target, in this case the heart (Melotte 15) of the heart nebula.
Original images can be found here:

Bubble Zoomout

Bubble Nebula and a Sh2-157
This video shows the Bubble Nebula in a larger context.
Klick HERE to see this in YouTube, please, klick a HD-symbol to see this in HD-format.

Movie is made from two images stiched to gether. Image of the Bubble Nbula is atken with a Meade LX200 12" telescope and a QHY9 astro camera, larger field of view image of Sh2-157 and a Bubble is taken with a Tokina 300mm lens and a QHY8 astro camera.
Bubble details:
Sh2-157 details: