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Saturday, March 28, 2020

The rise of Phoenixes, From Bubble to Cave Nebula

I have published this image in mapped colors couple of weeks ago, it can be seen here,

This time I'll like to show this beautiful area near Cassiopeia in visual spectrum. Ionized hydrogen (H-alpha) glows deep red light. Bluish hues are from an ionized oxygen.

From Bubble to Cave Nebula
Click for a large image,

Image is in visual colors composed from narrowband channels. Red light from an ionized hydrogen is dominating the view. Object at lower left is known asharpless 157, at lower center lays the Bubble Nebula, it can be seen as a tiny red pearl in his vide field image. The bluish are at upper right ist the Cave Nebula.

Sharpless 157, a Zoom Out Series
Click for a large image, NOTE, 4500 x 1024 pixels!

I made a Zoom out serie about Sharpless 157. It's a complex region near the famous Bubble nebula and it's kind of large. There are not too many photos of it around. I have marked the apparent size of the full Moon in each image. The angular size of a Moon is about 0,5 degrees, that's 30 arc minutes.
This kind of image gives an idea, how complex and fractal the gas structures can be. there are endless amount of variations and new details at every zoom level and beyond. 

Technical details

The vertical image is taken with Tokina AT-x camera optics, Apogee Alta U16 astrocamera and Astrodon narrowband filter set. Info about my imaging system can be seen here,
Some older parts of the photo are taken back in 2014 with QHY9 astrocam, Baader narrowband filters and Canon EF 200mm f1.8 camera lens.

Photo is taken from downtown Oulu, Finland. Due to an extensive light pollution I can do only narrowband imaging in my location. 
Total exposure time is around 20 hours.

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